Scale Focus 35mm Pic Thread

The Romance of Friday Night Lights:


Rollei 35 (original model, Germany) w/Tri-X

Leica I Model C std, Elmar KUP 11. Adox CHM 400 expired 2008, Microdol-X stock.


Leica I Model E std, Elmar KUP7. Adox CHM 400 expired 2008, Microdol-X stock.
Retina Ia w/ a 50 3.5 Kodak Ektar lens. Tri-X in D 76


Agfa Isola scale focus 6/6 medium format tube camera. Tri-X in D 76


UFO, captured w/ top secret cat camera


Retina Ia w/ 50 3.5 Agnar. Tri-X in Rodinal 1:20. Scanned, if you can call it that, w/ my phone


Fiber test print from Retina Ia w/ Tri-X in 1:20 Rodinal. Not grainy enough to suit me, even at 11x14!

Here are a few I just got scanned in. Rollei 35 (Tessar). Tri-X, D-76 1:3 and processed to taste after scanning. Mostly boosted contrast.

My daughter on a carnival ride. Who says you need fast AF for action shots?


A ferry captain at work:


Turning Heads. I stopped at the roadside to try to capture the fog in the distance. That didn't work out, but for some reason, I like the image anyhow.


Here's one of me, grilling some chicken. My girlfriend asked to take one of me, so that there's at least one pic with me in it. One thing about scale focus cameras is that if you set them up and just tell them: "Just press this button" they hardly ever screw it up. The sharp-eyed viewer will note the camera case on my belt peaking out from behind my forearm. It's a US-made Tamrac from the early 90s that is just the right size for a Rollei 35 and offers some impact protection. Lord knows it has taken enough impacts from the previous owner, hehehe.