Service / CLA for Fuji GW690ii’s


Local time
6:54 PM
Dec 31, 2023
Just got me a Fuji 690ii as addition to my camera tool set (eBay, Japan of course)

It’s visually in pristine condition, actually surprised how good it looks


Shooting Fuji GFX on the digital side, but also some Leica M and a Mamiya 7 (which is great, but I’m looking forward to the 3:2 negs from the Fuji)

Has anybody found a place over the last 2 years that services a Fuji 690?

Despite the great condition mine seems to be in, I’d think a CLA would be advisable

Greetings from New Jersey,
Advisable to try it first. Evaluate the results on film.

Then, if it aint broke, yayy! Don't fix it, use it.

On the other hand, if the camera does need service, you'll have an idea where you're starting from, and if the service performed was done properly.
Nice! I have the first version of the GSW690. It's awesome for landscapes and portable enough to carry on backpacking trips.
It may work fine but the light seals probably need to be replaced especially if you plan to use 220 film. Easy to do.

so for sure my first call to action is to put several film rolls thru it, and see what negs I get back

I get the argument “don’t fix what’s ain’t broken” and that any maintenance effort also carries some risk … my concern was that addressing lubrication or lack of thereof could be valuable to extend the life span of this very capable camera

All of that said … does anyone know any repair place at all?

For my Leica’s like M5/M7 there are still a few repair experts available in the US; but for these 690 Fuji’s ?
I would certainly shoot a few rolls through the camera first. Get to know it a little bit. Make sure it works.

I am not against CLA just a preventative maintenance. I have two Mamiya 6s that I use fairly hard. I have them CLAd about every 8-10 years by Bob at Precision Camera Works in TX. I figure it’s regular service, and I trust him. The cameras perform perfectly for me 100% of the time. Plus what happens if he up and retired suddenly? Atleast I have kept them regularly maintained. I just looked at Bobs website and Fuji is listed in the cameras he works on. I would email him and ask him if he can perform a CLA on the Fuji. If not certainly KEH or Camera Service Pro in Atlanta would. They are both great too.
Still getting the hang of DSLR scanning (started literally an hour ago for the first time), but here's an example of what you can expect from the GSW690.

Courthouse - DoG Street - Williamsburg VA - s.jpg