Show us your recent Panoramic photos!

Tri-X @1250, 2 bath Diafine

I can see some horizontal banding, which I spot sometimes on my 202 shots in the underexposed parts. Is it from your camera or the scanner?

I would really like to know. Perhaps the film is scratched by stuff inside the camera. I don't see it on B/W shots
Killer images quantum. Where in the world are these taken?

Hey Jubb Jubb -
Thanks for the kind words. These were taken on a motorbike trip from France to Kazakhstan - France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan. Two motobikes, 12,403KM, 5 weeks.

Most of the photos above were taken in the Pamir region. The flaming pit is in turkmenistan :)