The Nokton 50/1.1 Revisited


Local time
5:16 AM
May 18, 2005
Lots of reports on this lens, some love it (available light performer) and some hate it (bokeh and focus shift).

After receiving the lens a month ago and using it a bit on the 240, I guess I am falling into the first camp. In a nutshell, except for its size, the lens is a reliable all-around performer, very usable wide open, sharp at f1.4 and above, and - compared to other fast 50s - has relatively low distortion.

First impressions:

The lens is big but not too heavy. On the heavy 240, it feels well balanced.


On my camera, out of the box, the lens is center focus calibrated somewhere between f1.4 and f2; it shifts noticeably backwards (f1.1, f1.4 and f2.0, click on the picture for larger size):


When you account for the cosine effect (focus and recompose a bit off center, see also, the lens turns out to be dead on wide open, perfect for my use:


Vignetting is noticeable at infinity, but disappears mostly at f2. My favorite, close to infinity test target, our neighbor's antenna about 100 feet away:


The lens is quite sharp at infinity even wide open. At f1.1 and f1.4, resolution is mostly limited by CA. At f2.0 and up the lens is very good. I remember seeing a measurement where the Nokton was compared to the 0.95 Noctilux and ZM Planar, and the Nokton clearly outperformed the Noctilux and was similar to the Planar @ f2.0 (; I can confirm this.

Same test target as above, center crop to show resolution for different apertures:


At, f1.1, the Nokton performance is about the same as a pre-asph Summilux at f1.4, IMO.

Also off-center / in the field, performance is decent:


To be continued ....
In use ...

In use ...

... on a business trip to Beijing. All shots wide open.

Colleagues from work:




And out on the streets ....




(nice to have selective focus at a distance ....)


(sharpness is over-rated :) )



It's a good lens, and now you see them for good prices :) Just Big and Heavy, like nearly all the superspeed lenses except the Sonnetar.

Mine focuses pretty well on the M9 even at f/1.1 and after dark I often take it. :)

Here it is stopped down on the A7.mod:

DSC00859 by unoh7, on Flickr

and wide open:

Be Prepared by unoh7, on Flickr

Cooling off by unoh7, on Flickr
I can confirm Rolands writings completely.

The lens is heavy, but much lighter than the Noctilux 50mm f/1.

I've never seen a lens this sharp @ f/2, see picture. At full aperture, this lens is absolutely great for portraits.

No distortion. Great lens for a silly price.

Leica M5, Nokton 50mm f/1.1, Tmax400.


Have thought about this lens a lot recently and thanks for putting up the photos of the test shots. Two things are holding me back: I really don't like having duplicate lenses of the same focal length and I do not know how much I would really use its low light capabilities.

I own the 35f1.2 and a 35f2.8 and have had the 35f1.2 mounted for the last month on the M9 but have not used it anywhere I could not have used the C-Biogon. I figure the same thing would apply to the 50f1.1 and my 50 Summicron.

It does appear to be a great lens for the money. Even though I have the money, I no longer can justify the price of Leica optics as jewelry so if I was really looking for a super fast 50, I would get this lens.
I like the lens. I had a ZM Sonnar (and Planar) before, which is different in character. I may prefer the VL Nokton overall, it has spot-on focus at f/1.1 and is very sharp stopped down.
I have a feeling if that lens was a Leica and demanded three times the price, it would have a much better reputation and perceived performance....

Here at f/9.5 on an M8.2 (taken in Armenia).

I have a feeling if that lens was a Leica and demanded three times the price, it would have a much better reputation and perceived performance...
I don't know about that, but I know I wouldn't have bought the lens at three times the price regardless of brand or reputation.
Great photos, Helen, Peter and Erik.

Some more from last night in Beijing.



The team shopping for hats ....


this thread got me off my ass to process my roll of Tri-x I had sitting in front of me. Love the Nokton.