Updated Voigtlander Bessa III & Bessa III Wide Pages


Head Bartender
Staff member
Local time
1:42 PM
Mar 1, 2005


Bessa III


Bessa III Wide


Thanks for looking,

I have the IIIW. It is a fixed lens rangefinder, not a folder.
Very solid, and the lens is incredibly sharp, detailed, contrasty, and shows no linear distortion.
They should make an ultrawide 6x10 like the old Brooks Veriwide..
I would get one of these Bessa's in a heartbeat..but I cant stand 6x7...
They should make an ultrawide 6x10 like the old Brooks Veriwide..
I would get one of these Bessa's in a heartbeat..but I cant stand 6x7...

I hear you - in the old days 6x7 made sense because printing paper was 8x10 or 16x20 - now it's 8x11.5, 12x18, and 20x30.

My solution: buy a Mamiya Press - the original version. It's a bit smaller than the 23 and Super.

Take off the handle. Grab the camera by the film back. Trip the shutter release with the middle or ring finger of your right hand. (Or find a Type 3 back, which has the cable release built into the back).

Not as compact the Voightlander, but ... manageable. Ish.
Sorry 6x9. Use the existing body, fast 80-90mm lens, less than 1m focusing. Little to change on body/veiwfinder, I would pre order one.