Vale Ivor Matanle

Local time
7:22 AM
Jun 6, 2009
Whilst I'm still awaiting advice from his family, I'm sad to advise that it has been reported on Amateur Photographer forum, and also Facebook, that Ivor Matanle, author of Collecting and Using Classic Cameras, and follow up title Collecting and Using Classic SLRs has recently passed away.

Ivor and I corresponded from time to time, always about photographica, and he was invariably kind and helpful—I always enjoyed our communications. Personally I loved his enthusiasm for using classic or collectible cameras so evident in his books, something I could always relate to. But he authored other non photographic titles too, notably on the history of WWII and related subjects, as well as works about Australia illustrated by him.

Ivor had been fairly quiet over the last couple of years following a stroke that slowed him down a bit. He was still working on his first novel last year, though whether this was completed I don't know. When last we contacted each other a few months back he sounded quite chirpy, and had been up and about for short walks near home with a lightweight 35mm SLR occasionally since his stroke, so he was still shooting, if not to the last, then, at least, until quite late in life.

I've posted this in Roger's forum since, unlike myself, Roger knew Ivor personally, and might wish to elaborate on my comments. As I'm sure a number of members will be familiar with Ivor's books, I thought they may like to be informed of his passing.
Very very very sad news.

Dear biological Matanle family: I'm sorry for your loss.

I think I don't exaggerate when I say: Ivor's articles and his books — in which so many incredibly funny pictures of his lovely family are included — made me feel that I belong to Ivor's extended family. Just yesterday my 6 years old son and I were reading pages 100 and 101 of the SLR book; it's our good-night literature!

RIP Ivor.
His book Collecting and Using Classic Cameras is one of my favorite camera books.Before buying any classic camera I might be interested in I refer to his book before actually buying. I was just re-reading it this week and it's sitting under my elbow while I type. His pictures are great.
I very much enjoyed Collecting Classic Cameras. Mr. Matanle's pictures, his passion for the cameras and making images came through as well.

My condolences to Mr Matanle's Family.

Sad news. I've read that book cover-to-cover many times. It's fair to say I was obsessed with it for a while, over 20 years ago, before the internet took over. This was one of the only sources ofor classic camera information back then.
He also wrote for the print magazine "Classic Camera." I kept several for reference. My condolences to the family.

Jim B.
I'm very, very sorry to learn of Ivor's passing.

His articles in A.P. and his books were a major factor in my interest in collecting cameras.

Thanks Ivor.
That's sad to hear. I first encountered his book "Collecting and Using Classic Cameras" in the public library when I was a kid. I wanted every camera in the book! I did get my dad to buy me an ancient prewar Rolleiflex Automat when I was 14.

Years later, I bought the book, and discovered Matanle's later book on SLRs at the book store, and bought it, too.
Ivor's daughter Holly replied to me a couple of days ago, the family were still making funeral arrangements at the time. I've passed on a link to this thread to her, I'm sure Ivor's family will appreciate the kind words from everyone. My thanks to everyone who has commented.
I've only just read this sad news.

Like many here, I enjoyed reading his books and articles - particularly in later years those on classic cameras that appeared in Amateur Photographer.

Although I didn't know him personally, his enthusiasm, zest, warmth and passion for photography really shone through his writing, and inspired many of us.

My sincere condolences to his family.
To the Matanle family
I think i have read just about every work Ivor wrote on vintage cameras. Perhaps more importantly, i think i enjoyed every word. His enthusiasm was infectious. As a result, I increased my own camera collection exponentially following his assessments, and tried to pass the feeling on to others. he has done for camera collection what Keppler did for the Japanese camera industry: revitalized it. Thanks for many hours of what felt like chatting with a friend. He will be missed.
He was a lovely man who wrote super books and informed, interesting and authoritative features in AP. He inspired my late father to gather, use and enjoy various Contaxes and Voigtlanders. His works remain standard references, lit up by intelligence and wry humour, and they continue to inspire me. I shall miss him.
I hate to say it but Mr. Matanle cost me a whole bunch of $$$ after reading his two books many years ago. I caught the bug back in the mid 90's, and am not sorry to say, I still read and reread some of his wonderful descriptions and personal quips about the best of the best. He shaped my collection for the past 25 years and I thank him for all this enjoyment, even though my wife doesn't. RIP Ivor and my sincerest condolences to his family.
Gary Hill
Very sad, l had swapped emails from time tome with him and his study article book on the Pentax Lx was a beautiful reference work
Very sad to hear this. I have pored over his Classic Cameras and Classic SLRs books many times over the years -- they were and are invaluable guides to me in this hobby. I have also saved the issues of Amateur Photographer with his classic camera profiles. I corresponded with him once, regarding AP's decision to drop his articles. I wish I'd had a chance to meet him.

From his books, his wife and kids became familiar faces to me -- my condolences to them all.