W/NW The Romance of Sail: Sailing boats, yachts, dinghies and ships


Leica R4, Elmarit-R 90mm f2.8 v2, Kodak Ektar 100
In dry dock ("Up on the hard") for repair, refitting and repainting so they can go out and work again. We are a fishing and lumbering community here in Astoria. They are the two most dangerous jobs in the country. Fishing deaths at 145 per 100,000 and lumbering at 68.9 per 100,000. Fisherfolk are hardworking folk. If you want to read a true, poop-in-your pants account of fishing for King Crab in the Bering Sea read Working on the Edge by Spike Walker. He tells you what his life was like on those cold and slippery decks. You could make enough on one voyage to buy a home, if you could hold onto the money when you hit port. I know Spike as a friend, he is a great guy and a great writer. This book will put the fear of God in you and it is a great read. But the boats "up on the hard."


Taken with my dream combo of a Leica M9 and Cooke Amotal

Link to Spike on Amazon because I love the guy. He is a man's man. He set a record for the hammer at OU that was unbroken until just recently. https://www.amazon.com/Spike-Walker/...rwt_scns_share
The word "Trofast" is in Swedish and Norwegian what in English would be "Faithful" or "Reliable" or "Trustworthy". :)
The word "Trofast" is in Swedish and Norwegian what in English would be "Faithful" or "Reliable" or "Trustworthy". :)

Anders, tak! I checked the internet and all I got was a storage box at Ikea. And while the gravlax is pretty good at Ikea the storage box did not seem the right answer. It is a sweet little boat. Were it closer to the water I'd have stolen it by now. ;o)
Nippon Maru moored at Osanbashi pier
Stern Shot


Fujifilm X-T2, Voigtländer Nokton 23mm f1.2 (X-mount) lens
Astia film simulation
Yokohama, Japan - March, 2023
Image is lower resolution than original​
Nippon Maru moored at Osanbashi pier
Bow Shot

Typical Nikon shooter
Trying to visualize her next shot;):)

Fujifilm X-T2, Voigtländer Nokton 23mm f1.2 (X-mount) lens
ACROS film simulation
Yokohama, Japan - March, 2023
Image is lower resolution than original​