Who remembers RFF when it started ?

MP Guy

Just another face in the crowd
Staff member
Local time
4:33 AM
Jul 28, 2003
When I created RFF 20 years ago, I never thought it would grow into what it has become.
When I first started the site, I was hosting it on my own server in the closet using a DSL connection to get out to the world. Yes, DSL. Laugh all you want but it was the beginnings of RFF and I still remember many of the original members. Having said that, this is what the home page looked like back in the days.

RFF has sure come a long way since then. I'm loving the new version so far. For me, it's perfect.
Thanks for keeping it going.
I started reading in 2005 and only joined in early 2006, so I wasn't 'there' when it all started. But I do remember the earliest rff members bantering and exchanging rangefinder wisdom around that time. Frankly, I can't think of a nicer group of people.

Tip off the hat across time and space to all of them.
I started reading around 2008 and did lurk around until 2011, when I got a user-id.
Still an avid reader of different topics, because some discussions directed me also to new photographic knowledge.
I'm on my second user name but been here since 2003 - I think there were less than a hundred users.

I do clearly remember being laughed at in 2003 for insisting that a full frame digital Leica M was entirely feasible.

Though, as Paul Kelly sang "I remember everything"

I "think" that I became a member here by the end of 2006. I had bought my first rangefinder camera back then, the Epson R-D1s.
I joined the same year that RFF started.. came over from photo net, where the atmosphere was turning really toxic. In contrast, RFF was so refreshing, a friendly environment focused on sharing tips and tricks, ways to get stuff fixed, and so forth.
My Number is 829 but not exactly sure what year/month I started...
I recall lurking around before signing up...
I was lurking on another forum, antique related. One member of that forum mentioned RFF. I cheked it out; I've been here eversince.

I've got over 6000 posts here; some of them posts were not my finest moments in life; I've made some blunders and I've made some poor choices. Essentially I always meant well and while there may be a few members that never forget or forgive for the most part this forum is just a bunch of nice people that love photography and relize that we're all just humans and that anybody that loves or has loved a rangefinder camera can't be all bad.

RFF is the best!

You posted an announcement on the Leica forum on Photo.net. I lurked for a bit, then signed up.
Joined Jan 12, 2004

The Canonet QL17 GIII was "The" camera.
Member #205. RFF gained popularity quickly,
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While I don't remember the actual creation of the forum, I joined in 2007 and really had only used SLR's but was fascinated with RF's. This site changed my photography and I am better for it. This new format is now working great BTW. Thanks to all that made it possible!!
I joined in March of 2005. Also came here via photo.net. I have found the forum to be a terrific source of information, and also a place where some very talented people post their photographs. I have not posted much on the site, especially images, but I hope to in the coming years as I become "more retired".
You posted an announcement on the Leica forum on Photo.net. I lurked for a bit, then signed up.
Joined Jan 12, 2004

The Canonet QL17 GIII was "The" camera.
Member #205. RFF gained popularity quickly,
i remember, back then photo net was the place. but it was an interesting environment to say the least.
I subscribed popular photo magazine since 1990 until digital form. I remembered read an article on pop photo about RRF and Canonnet, I joined RRF, I was in photo.net before. I remembered fight in photo.net and here too, the septic tank and bimbo story. the creator of RFF sold to Steve and set up another site for digital cameras. The members I remembered are professor Reid and master tech Brain who hate prednisone...... lots of fun. Somehow the activity in here is less active than FMF, especially the classify section, do not know why
I joined March 2005 and it seems like yesterday. Back then it was all about film photography and the FSU section was a busy place too. I kinda miss those times. I stumbled across RFF because member „Tuna“ had a link on another forum to his gallery here.