Yashica YF Rangefinder


Local time
5:57 AM
Mar 12, 2019
Is there a possible way to adjust the patch alignment? In some lighting it is difficult to see which is workable, but looking straight through the viewfinder the images are not aligned. The camera was recently repaired and it functions like a new camera but I didn’t realize the patch issue. The lens attached is the Yashikor 50mm f2.8.
Thank you
The YF isn't that common. I'm not sure how many of us here at RFF have one, but I know there's at least few. I'm not sure why they haven't responded yet.
I can imagine there is a way to adjust the RF image. Sometimes it's behind a "decorative" screw, sometimes it requires removal of the top cover. One of our resident YF experts should tell us.
I have found out how to do it by removing a screw next to the right side viewfinder in front. Deeper in the hole is a smaller screw but I was unable to anything except make it worse. I sent it back to DAG and he agreed to accept it. I posted on a Facebook group that I compared the YF with a Canon VI-L with the same lens and it was accurate and a guy asked me how did I know the Canon was accurate and not the YF? Kind of dumb, I thought. Focus on a known distance and compare. Pretty accedemic to me. But thank you for your reply.
Yashica YF from the Top
I think this may help anyone in the future ... I do not have the camera anymore so this is all I got.
Thank you so much! Alas, I sent the YF back to DAG. I tried to do what he suggested but I wasn't able to accomplish anything. He strongly suggested that I do not remove any parts. Besides, I paid money to repair this camera in the first place. The RF was truly off. At infinity, a couple different lenses woud not focus and the verticle adjustment was off. He agreed to fix it so I shipped it back. On Wednesday morning early, I am having laser eye surgery so cameras aren't something to be worried about. There apparently are only two surgeons in Oregon who would do this. I mention this because tring to use a small screwdriver tofind the slot in that screw was no easy task - unless you're a technician
Don is a very nice man, but unfortunately he gets a little bugged by people calling to just shoot the breeze, so to speak, so I don't call him unless it is necessary to. He was formerly trained at Wetzlar on Leicaflex cameras. So he will re set the R/F.

I sincerely appreciate all the responses to my questions. I have lurked on this website for long time but only recently "repossessed" another Pentax