I finally did it!

Tim Murphy

Local time
5:13 PM
Oct 23, 2015
Dear Board,

Using an ARS Lab-Box that member stevierose sold to me along with film I bought from member sepiaverb 5 years ago, I finally developed a roll of 35mm B&W film after a 40-plus year hiatus.

The pictures are nothing to look at, but I'm glad I was able to be successful on my first try. I know I have a ton to learn and re-learn, but it feels good to be engaged in the actual process again.


Tim Murphy

Harrisburg PA :)

My car-fixed by Tim Murphy, on Flickr

Subaru by Tim Murphy, on Flickr

Yard-fixed by Tim Murphy, on Flickr
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That's great news, Tim. Congratulations. It can feel a bit daunting after such a long break (as I found). Glad to hear you're back into it.
That's great news, Tim. Congratulations. It can feel a bit daunting after such a long break (as I found). Glad to hear you're back into it.
Dear lynnb,

Thank you! I harbor no illusions of greatness, but man is it fun to be part of the process. Don't get me wrong, I love shooting digital most of the time. But I'm old, stubborn, and love to do things myself.


Tim Murphy

Harrisburg PA :)
An ancient blessing: may your negatives be dust free.
Dear Pal_K,

Dust, who cares about dust! ;)

I'm besides myself with joy over getting actual useable negatives on my first try!

The dust will just have to wait!


Tim Murphy

Harrisburg PA :)

P.S. Thank you for the blessing though, I'm sure I'll needs lots of help and maybe divine intervention in the not too distant future. ;)
Great news Tim ... I'm hoping to get back into developing some film towards the end of the year when I move into more spacious digs! :)
Great work, and nice Subaru.
Dear Freakscene,

I never thought I'd fit in an Outback, but I tried it, and liked it.

It's a 2011 with a millennial anti-theft device, AKA a 6-speed stick. It's my daily driver, I bought it 2019, and plan to run it to destruction. With only 108000 miles on it, I expect destruction is a long way off! ;)


Tim Murphy

Harrisburg PA :)
Move!? What about the goat!?

Jaffa clings to life by the skin of his teeth at fourteen and a bit ... which is very old for a goat. I won't be moving until he's gone to goat heaven and I've told the owners of the place I'm going to that the move is dependant on his longevity and they are okay with that because they really want me there! He seemed like he was done for just before Xmas to the point where I'd dug a hole for him out in the paddock near to one of his favourite hangouts ... but bugger me he rallied and is actually quite well again though a bit rickety in the legs these days. My landlady who actually owns him (he was a rescue) is an RSPCA vet and she thought he was all but gone because he couldn't get to his feet and was nearly ready to give him the 'green dream.' (vet talk for lethabarb) I love him dearly and will really miss him when he's gone ... he's my best friend and we hang out together nearly all the time. I'm the only person he likes and the only person who can handle him! :)
Jaffa clings to life by the skin of his teeth at fourteen and a bit ... which is very old for a goat. I won't be moving until he's gone to goat heaven and I've told the owners of the place I'm going to that the move is dependant on his longevity and they are okay with that because they really want me there! He seemed like he was done for just before Xmas to the point where I'd dug a hole for him out in the paddock near to one of his favourite hangouts ... but bugger me he rallied and is actually quite well again though a bit rickety in the legs these days. My landlady who actually owns him (he was a rescue) is an RSPCA vet and she thought he was all but gone because he couldn't get to his feet and was nearly ready to give him the 'green dream.' (vet talk for lethabarb) I love him dearly and will really miss him when he's gone ... he's my best friend and we hang out together nearly all the time. I'm the only person he likes and the only person who can handle him! :)
Dear Keith,

Good for you for sticking with Jafffa as long as he walks the sod.

I do believe I love 4 leggers more than 2 leggers.


Tim Murphy

Harrisburg PA :)
Dear Board,

Using an ARS Lab-Box that member stevierose sold to me along with film I bought from member sepiaverb 5 years ago, I finally developed a roll of 35mm B&W film after a 40-plus year hiatus.

The pictures are nothing to look at, but I'm glad I was able to be successful on my first try. I know I have a ton to learn and re-learn, but it feels good to be engaged in the actual process again.


Tim Murphy

Harrisburg PA :)

My car-fixed by Tim Murphy, on Flickr

Subaru by Tim Murphy, on Flickr

Yard-fixed by Tim Murphy, on Flickr
I am in the process of getting back into b/w film, for all the reasons you and responders have mentioned, but so far am sending out to The Darkroom. Home developing coming soon. When you have a chance, please consider posting your comments on ease of using the Lab-Box.
I’m happy for @Tim Murphy and share his enthusiasm and excitement. Quite a feeling.

Other than community college courses in B&W
and developing in lab with the help of the instructor, I too have purchased supplies for B&W development at home but have procrastinated as I am so busy with career and other things. I always say, maybe when I retire, I will give it a go.

I have 1-gallon canister of powdered Diafine still in the package purchased over a decade ago (hope it’s still good) and all the supplies. Just need fresh fixer I think. I need to get off my duff, tool up my workflow, and just do it.

@Tim Murphy I hope we get to see some more results. Congratulations!
I am in the process of getting back into b/w film, for all the reasons you and responders have mentioned, but so far am sending out to The Darkroom. Home developing coming soon. When you have a chance, please consider posting your comments on ease of using the Lab-Box.
Dear James,

Using the Lab-Box for 35mm film is really pretty easy. You need to make sure you assembled the take-up reel correctly. It's easy to make it 180 degrees out of phase which will not let you load the film properly.

If the reel is set-up right the rest of the process is simply following the directions whether you use the directions with the box or an on-line, You Tube tutorial.

Today I tried a roll of 120 film. I will be honest and say it was an absolute disaster. I had never shot 120 film before and I am sure I had issues loading my Mamiya 6IVB because the roll was all used and only registered 7 shots.

When I went to load the film in the Lab-Box having never worked with 120 film ever before I wound up drawing, most of the film out of the Lab-Box when trying to separate the paper from the film. I proceeded with developing because I'm stubborn and wound up with one severely light-fogged frame that was unrecognizable, and the rest of the roll was nothingness.

I'm disappointed and discouraged by this, but I will carry on because like I said I'm stubborn! ;)


Tim Murphy

Harrisburg PA :)
Dear James,

Using the Lab-Box for 35mm film is really pretty easy. You need to make sure you assembled the take-up reel correctly. It's easy to make it 180 degrees out of phase which will not let you load the film properly.

If the reel is set-up right the rest of the process is simply following the directions whether you use the directions with the box or an on-line, You Tube tutorial.
Yes, I agree. The Lab-Box is a great tool, but can certainly be fiddly when one is new to it.

I've got mine around four years ago, but I use it only intermittently. As a result, each time I use it, I have to re-learn the fiddly bits. :(
Just returned to film photography and the darkroom myself. Doesn't it just feel so fantastic to be back working with a non-virtual medium again? So far as re-learning goes, I've found that the older I get, the more I crave learning

[edit] Oh, and dust? Since I've just stopped worrying about it, it doesn't seem to be a problem any more.
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I'm leaning in that direction, the cost of developing just went up again. The reviews on the Lab-Box were all over the place, obviously the OP had good results. Any one else?