Hasselblad Xpan / Fuji TX Repairs and Alternatives


Head Bartender
Staff member
Local time
10:49 AM
Mar 1, 2005
2022 What is the Xpan / TX repairs situation?

Are they are good Xpan / TX repair shops outside Japan? Anywhere?

Or is it best just to ship back to Fuji in Japan?

What are your best picks as Xpan / TX alternatives?

Many Thanks,
Wilco Jensen in the Netherlands is the tech I used when I still owned an Xpan -- I suspect he has the largest remaining parts supply. I believe Bob at Precision Camera Works in TX works on them but I don't have personal experience working with him. Fuji/Hasselblad do not service them as of 2015 or so.
Igor Camera, where I bought my Xpan a few years back, had the camera serviced at Precision in Texas, before putting it up for sale.
I sold my XPAN after learning that repair services were ending. I still miss it, and wish I hadn't sold it. They cost too much now. I also miss my SWC and wish I hadn't sold that. Not that I need them; I can still get good wide angle shots with my Leicas and my 15, 18, 21, and 24/25mm lenses. But that doesn't stop me from missing the XPAN and SWC, from time to time.
Ironically, Hasselblad in California will still do a CLA if the camera is in working order. I sent them my Xpan II and they did a CLA, checked the shutter speeds and operation, calibrated the rangefinder, checked my 45 & 90mm lenses and cleaned the internal optics of the rangefinder window for a total of $350. That included return shipping as well.