Illinois June 2011 RFF Chicago Walk-About


Local time
11:15 AM
Jul 29, 2008
These are from the last get together. Bears were playing, snow on the ground, it was cold - but we had fun.
It's about time for a get together - anyone want to join ? how about mid-June ?

All taken with Nikon SP & Zeiss Sonnar-C 50mm



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Nothing special on the scanning
All 3 were shot on Tri-X developed in TMAX 1:4
scanned on a coolscan 5000 using vuescan

I follow a procedure I found on flickr, first I scan part of the black area between frames and use that to lock the RGB levels. The scan all interesting images on the roll with that setting and play a little with the curve tool

I'm using Aperture for PP
Thanks Marc.
I would like to try and make it.
I'll be out of town June 18-25 so any other weekend obviously would be better for me.
For a little incentive, I have around 20 rolls of expired 220 e-6 film I want to give up at the next get together. :)
I might be able to attend if it is the first weekend (4th or 5th) or the third weekend (18th or 19th)
Scheduling is always bit tough, sorry for the late notice

I suggest this weekend June 5

Plan A
Sunday around noon there is the Lake View Sausage Fest (formerly the Lake View Music Fest) - Think Ferris Bueller and Abe Froman

We could meet at Julius Meinl on Southport, ogle the gear, then those who want to can take some shots around Wrigley

Plan B - Lincoln Square - same time and date, June 5 noon.
Meet by Cafe Sel Marie - German Fest is on this weekend - we did that last year.

Any interest or alternative suggestions ?
Command decision. The get together will be at Julius Meinl on southport at 12:00 Sunday
Please post or pm me if you intend to come, if not enough respondents then I will push it to July
Sadly I won't be able to make this one. I'm meeting up with a client around that time.
Hope the turn out is good.

On the other hand, if we do end up pushing it back to July, the Tour de Fat tour stops by on July 16 right outside my front door.
They do this every year here. Just an idea....
I was just there for some work with Whirlpool. I had my camera with me and when I had some time I walked around and took some snaps. Wish I had more time. I LOVE chicago!!
These were taken a few times back from another work trip. I had much more time to walk around. I took the architectural boat tour. I was shooting digital at the time, so these are rom a Canon DSLR sorry no RF.








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I've been away from the forum a couple of years. I wouldn't mind a July meet. I will be gone Jul 6-13, tho'...
Any where's fine with me.
Sorry 'bout that last one, Marc: shorter notice than my family could accommodate. I'm on board for July.
Today would have been ideal. :D I was walking around in the Loop this afternoon (a mere 100 degrees). What's the melting point of acetate, again?
Good Lord it was just too hot!
I just read all the books in the Public Library then Headed to Central to replenish my Tri-X stocks.

I don't know if there is still a planned meetup...