Just got two severe weather alerts in October


Cameras. I has it.
Local time
8:44 PM
Aug 27, 2019
I can't handle this severe weather we are getting now. "Possible threat to life or property." Can I wear shorts in 32F weather? Are my cameras and lenses safe at 29F? Maybe I should move.

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Has any else noticed the exponentially increasing tone of hysteria in every aspect of the "news"? Here in NM, we just got a Severe Weather Alert for a "Winter Blast" that promises to deliver 28 degree temperatures and (GASP!) snow flurries!!!
Sensationalism is what sold newspapers and probably still does; sensationalism probably is what attracts many cable TV viewers.

But to get these "severe" weather alerts from a built-in phone app warning of "possible threat to life" is absurd. They ruin their credibility.

What I want the app to do is tell me in advance this is a good day to use some of that FP-100C that's been sitting in my refrigerator for years.