Loose strap lug on RD1 ... is it a problem?


The best camera is one that still works!
Local time
8:00 PM
May 5, 2006
In other words if whatever locates the lug from the inside, and I'm assuming its a nut, falls off what is the likely scenario?

It's the right lug looking from the front of the camera and it is pretty loose. Has anyone here been inside an RD1 and may know the potential of what may happen? I'm not concerned about the lug because I don't use straps but I would like this camera to keep working for as long as possible because I really love the thing. :)
Have you already decided how to handle the problem, Keith?

Not really ... I'm torn between just leaving it and hoping for the best because I never use straps and looking at that info I'm not totally convinced it gives you the access you need. Thanks for linking that info by the way.