Mamiya m645 right angle finder model 2


Local time
12:07 PM
Sep 6, 2016
Hello all, I'm thinking of getting a Mamiya right angle finder model 2 for my recently acquired m645 1000s as it would allow me to use it as if it had a waist level finder. Anyway, I've seen photos of them and I'm wondering what effect the smallish round glass bit on the part that slides onto the prism finder eyepiece has on the view I'd get from the bigger oblong eyepiece. Does the small round bit of the angle finder restrict the view I'd get of the bigger oblong prism eyepiece?

Any help would be much appreciated.
No-one can help? Oh well.

Of course, I knew all along that if it had been a Leica right angle finder I'd been asking about, I'd be swimming in replies from members who know the exact dimensions, weight and colouring of even the tiniest of screws, and the exact history of every type of glass that had ever been used in them, and could probably give the exact location of the tree from which the rubber for the eyecup had been taken, but I'm not jealous, oh no. lol.
I used to have a Mamiya 645 Pro and also bought the angle finder N for the same reason as you; to imitate a waist level finder. The waist level finder N for the Pro is hard to get and therefore very expensive. I thought the angle finder could be a good alternative. Unfortunately, it didn't work that way for me. Although you get a decent view into the prism finder and the image is not left-right-mirrored like a true waist level finder, I found it still cumbersome. You still need to bring the camera up to you eye en then look down into the andle finder. I found using just the prism finder much more convenient. So the angle finder can be useful when bringing the camera low to the ground. But I wouldn't bother buying one as a pseudo waist level finder. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the reply and info, spijker. I have actually ordered one, even though the seller says I'll have to move my head a bit to see into each corner separately. I'm hoping it's more like my nikon fm2n finder than a zorki 4k finder, lol. It's not just as a better WLF it's because I find it far more comfortable to hold the camera as if it had a wlf than at eye level. I also think it'll be easier to hold the camera steady.

When I had a bronica etrsi I found it quite easy to pan with the wlf, after a bit of practice. I did get the angle finder, but I'd forgotten that the image is a bit smaller and you don't get the magnifier to check focus...:oops:
The finder arrived earlier today, and to my surprise I can see all four corners with almost no eye/head movement at all, even with the rubber eyecup. I think the image is a little smaller though, making it harder to tell if the bricks in my "infinity view" are as in focus as they could be even after adjusting the eyepiece of the angle finder. I get the impression that removing the eyecup helps give a better idea of whether the angle finder has been adjusted properly, although that could be psychological.

Having the angle finder in place does give back the feeling of being on a wobbly boat that you get from a WLF, so if you're nostalgic for that help is at hand! :)

I'm presuming it's a "Mamiya Right Angle Finder Model 2" and not a "Mamiya Finder N". It's got a metal facing at the bottom bit which slides onto the eyepiece of the prism. In the manual, it looks like there is no metal facing bit, and there is a Mamiya right angle finder that doesn't have a metal facing bit, but from the tiny bit I've read, the prism eyepieces for the Super and Pro are bigger or wider than the earlier models so I presume an "N" wouldn't fit.

One thing that is similar to the zorki 4k, is that every time I use the angle finder, I'll have to re-adjust the dioptre correction as there's no way of "locking" it in place. Mind you, with a 4k you just need a bit of sellotape, and then remember to replace it occasionally.
I've decided to send it back as having to re-set the dioptre correction every time and the wobbly-boat syndrome are rather annoying.
A while ago I bought another example of the angle finder 2 for low-level work. I have only just noticed that the tube part, even when clicked into the centre, has a slight "lean" to the left, so that it isn't quite upright. I've had the camera on a tripod and framed some straight lines at the edge of the frame and then put the angle finder on and I can't see any difference, but in the back of my two braincells there is the suspicion that the whole image may be slightly slanted. On the other hand I think I may be over-thinking it.