New Mexico May Albuquerque Meet-Up


Local time
12:44 AM
Feb 14, 2010
New Mexico Film Photographers are invited to attend a monthly meet-up on the first Saturday of each month to talk about any aspect of film photography.


The next Meet-up:

When: Saturday, May 5, 9:30 AM
Where: Tingley Beach Cafe (map)
Who: Veteran film users and anyone looking to get started in film photography.

The cafe snack bar does not open until about 10:30, but the cafe building is open early in the morning. There is ample chair-and-table seating which is separate from the snack bar. Attendees at the meet-up are welcome to bring their own drinks and food. There is some parking near the Cafe building and more a bit further to the north, as well as back-up parking beyond the last duck pond to the north.

At the April Meet-Up Becky and Andrew mentioned some innovative solutions to using cameras designed for discontinued film formats such as 127, 828, 620, 110, etc. Perhaps we can continue that conversation with more details and some demonstrations. So, the theme for this Meet-Up is:

ADOPT AN ORPHAN ( film camera format )
Try to keep demos down to five minutes or so to let everyone get a chance to weigh in and so we have time to get to other topics as well. If you have a favorite camera using a discontinued format, bring it along. Show us some pictures made with your orphan format camera.

As in the previous meet-up there will be a drawing for a free classic camera.


The Meet-Up is sponsored by the New Mexico Film Photographers group at Flickr. See the group's discussion area for updates on the Meet-Up. Share some photos there made with your classic film cameras.
Just a reminder about the May 5th Meet-Up.

Just a reminder about the May 5th Meet-Up.

I've had some confirmations for the next Meet-Up of New Mexico Film Photographers in Albuquerque at the Tingley Beach Cafe on May 5th at 9:30 AM. The first one was a lot of fun, and I expect no less from this second one.

I'm also giving some thought to locations for future meet-ups and hope people will show up with some ideas on that subject. One possibility is to take advantage of the proliferation of craft breweries around Albuquerque. Of course, some have schedules and layouts that are more suited to informal gatherings than others. I'm going to take it on myself to visit as many as possible to assess the options. Yes, it's a tough job, but someone's got to do it.

Look for updates in the New Mexico Film Photographers group at Flickr.