Connecticut New England Summer Meet?



Ok, guys, I have to confess. I have a bit of an ulterior motive. My mother-in-law is visiting and I am looking for ANY excuse to get out of the house. ;)

It's been almost a year since the Old Sturbridge Village meet. Anyone up for a meet this year? Anywhere in CT, RI or MA would be fine. Heck, let's include Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire. :)
:D. I am. I think Ralph has a hankering to come to Boston & I was going to do a bit of research this weekend about events in the Boston area. But as you say it could be in other states too...
OK, yes I am in!!!

I would like to come up to Boston, or in the Boston area if there is something of interest, an nice NE town, anything to churn the creative spirit.

Any place is fine really, I can get there.
Well I spent a bit of time looking for political-type marches or demonstrations or hot political/policy decisions in the State House but the hottest one (gay marriage) occurred this week. So then I thought of maybe less controversial topics like some local neighborhood color. There are a number of traditional Italian processions/festivals in the North End at the end of July and during August that are located in an interesting part of the city and plenty of good food available too:

July 28 - 29: St. Joseph Society
August 4 - 5: St. Agrippina di Mineo Society
August 11 - 12: Madonna Della Cava Society
August 18 - 19: Fisherman's Feast of the Madonna Del Soccorso di Sciacca Society
August 24 - 26: San Antonio Di Padova Da Montefalcione

If there is interest and some agreement around a particular weekend I could do a bit more research and find out which processions are in the daytime and which at night. If anyone has any other ideas for a shoot this summer lets hear them - it doesn't have to be in Boston!
and plenty of good food

I may not even take a camera ;).

I think I am good all of August, but need to update my calendar. I will do that today in the office and check back.
I'm also interested but I need to check my calendar before I can commit to a date. Most of August should be good for me, though.
I am good all those August dates right now. The last weekend in July is bad for me.


My availability really starts August 18th. Anything before is iffy at best.
Boston area is a great idea.
We always could do Harvard Sq. for street shooting and maybe a beer and BBQ somewhere??
we have a back parking yard ..;-)


Towards the end of August is better for me too. I'm in Fiji on vacation at the moment and won't be back in Boston for a couple of weeks. If anyone cares to do a bit of research on the festivals I listed above it would be better to choose one that takes place during the daytime...
She is doing great thank you Joerg. :) This is a very, very beautiful country but I've already formed a number of opinions about the people that I'll share next month. My wife & I are having a wonderful time and learning a lot and my only regret is many missed photographic opportunities due to our hectic schedule here. But I've added our location to the sidebar I like it so much... :)
Projects continue to close in, but I'm still a maybe- started my new front steps/deck yesterday. The digging begins in a few minutes.
Great, lets settle on a date, I guess the weekends of the 18th and 25th are the discussion.