New Leica M Nokton 50mm F1.2


Staff member
Local time
3:47 AM
Feb 4, 2007
Spotted today at CP+ in Yokohama. I even got to handle one and shoot a few photos. Very nice size for an f1.2 lens. I'd guess its around the same size as the 40mm F1.2.

Wow Erik, it's like someone at Cosina read your post :D

I am surprised that this is the first that we have heard of this. Normally there are some rumours and rumblings. I will be interested to see how much it costs.
to me, large apertures are only partly for light (or lack of it).
it's more that such constructions need a very careful balance of all parameters involved. the result can be just lovely - think of the 35mm f/1.2, even though that one was a bit too heavy for my taste.

so, i'm with helen here, very curious about it's rendering.
Very strange, so little space 1.2 to 1.4 ...
Original Leica Noctilux 1.2/50 has more space :

And my Canon LTM 1.2/50 has "ticks" on 1.2 and 1.4 something not far from 1/2 stop compared to 1.4 and 2 (may that be T stop in Nokton ?).

Interesting this Nokton 1.2 with aspherical lens that the 1.1 don't have.

Why would anyone want to set the aperture between 1.2 and 1.4. Halfway in between is 1/6 stop.

I owned one of the 1.2 Noctilux when they were introduced in the 70's. There's no reason to set the aperture in between. Your shutter most likely is 1/6 stop off or more and probably the meter too.

This might be a fantastic lens and I hope it is but any premium in price for 1/3 stop gain isn't worth it. 1/3 stop is insignificant. The big deal with the Leica 50 1.2 was flare control and improved wide open performance. Lenses of that era flared badly around light sources at night and most had tremendous coma issues. The Noctilux addressed that.
Are they still making the Nokton 50 1.1? I like the one I have.
1.2 is not fast enough for me. I need at least 1.1. 1.05 is about ideal.
Indeed the optical design is very likely a slightly modified 40/1.2. So expect a similar performance.

Again I'm more interested in the 21/3.5 - the E mount version has a very small front element as if it's meant for a much smaller barrel. I assume they will release a M-mount version - and may follow up with more updated small lenses. Personally would be very happy to see a new 28/3.5...
Perfect fit between 50/1.1 and 50/1.5.

Plus smaller than the 1.1, short min. focus, and probably better OOF (asph). The 40/1.2 is outstanding. I love my new 40, and for me it fits better between 28 and 75, so I'll pass on this one, but if you didn't get the 40, this will be great, I'm sure.

Note that you might to have to buy a hood separately :)

very nice, looking forward to this one. the original is a 'double-aspherical' design, curious if cosina will put also 2 aspheres, and also curious on the lens construction, if it has the dimensions from the original 1.2 from leitz, I will buy this VC at release.
1.2 is not fast enough for me. I need at least 1.1. 1.05 is about ideal.

1/3 stop between 1.1 and 1.2 is going to make a difference in what you shoot? Seriously? What do you shoot thats so critical?

F1.05, that's a new one on me. Are you saying between f1 and 1.1? You do realize that's a whopping 1/6 of a stop?
Are they still making the Nokton 50 1.1? I like the one I have.
1.2 is not fast enough for me. I need at least 1.1. 1.05 is about ideal.

It's the LA air :p

(or lack of? )

Where is 50mm f1.4, 1.7,f1.8 Surely they must be coming ?
Not complaining exactly but... How about another compact 50mm over another speed lens so close to the two in the line up.
It's been around 20 years since the Color Skopar f2.5/50mm in ltm. Where is the updated M version.
Maybe a compact f2 would be nice .... Shade included :eek:


Just to compare.

The Noctilux f/1.2 has a very special all metal (stainless steel) internal construction. This construction is much better than that of the Noctilux f/1.0 wich has a lot of plastics inside.

Any of you guys shoot with the Voigtlander 40/1.2 E or M lens?

The new 50/1.2 has the same look and bokeh as the 40/1.2.

No delivery date or prices yet.
