Nikon F3: Which generation screens to pick.


V for Victory!
Local time
10:10 PM
Oct 23, 2007
After just 33 years of contemplating I just acquired a F3. You read that right, I borrowed my first F3 in 1990 but decided to get a FM2 instead, right decision at the time, loved the FM2, owned four with the years (stolen, sold, inherited), but now as I'm enjoying film again a nice F3HP crossed my virtual way and I'm now awaiting its physical arrival.
I know from the past and my brief experience that screens inscribed in classic, straight red NIKON without a dot are oldest and on par with other 1980 screens. Improved ones are on par with K/B/E series 2 in the FM2 and marked with a red dot.
But what about the occasional occurence of screens marked with the slanted, white font that came with the F4? Are there any for the F3 or are they all for F4 and the ones offered as "for F3" in the bay are just a case of misguided sellers? And if they are truly for the F3 (i.e. no AF markings), are they brighter again?
Thanks in advance for your input!
I took to myself to dig up the info: There have not been any brighter screens from Nikon intended for the F3 than the red-dot screens. A screen with the white slanted inscription is not for the F3. What I have seen is probably a screen for an F4 put into the wrong packaging. One could remove the screen from its frame and mount it in an F3-frame, though, and get an even brighter screen but as I like the 2-series screens for the FE2/FM2/FA i will not go that route.