UK Region Pass the RF


Local time
10:28 AM
Mar 7, 2013
Is anyone interested in having a UK pass the RF relay, like the larger ones (successful, less successful and stalled). If it's just UK, postage could be kept down.

I don't have a rangefinder I can put into circulation at the moment, but I do have an Agfa Silette (scale focus) I'd be happy to send off on its travels. Be better if we did have an RF, though.

UK only, huh... Well, that counts me out :( Would love to do one of these again, though. Perhaps we should do one with the Dutch RFFrs. We easily number two-three handfuls, methinks...
I think the reason why the last few fizzled (other, of course, than having lost the camera) is that there were concurrent ones.

I remember when I organized one as we didn't know where the previous project's camera was --nobody knew-- there was still a huge interest. While I was still in the U.S., I launched it with a donation from a former member, a Canonet. Somebody on the European side decided to create his own, and I had a number of European people who had signed up for the list I created go over that list. It created lots of confusion, specially on the American side. The "american" camera was also lost.

So two pass the RF projects with lost cameras (the one I organized, I never knew where it ended up, because somebody decided to "include" somebody out of the list I had, and that was completely out of my control...never heard back from anybody)

So...I strongly suggest we keep only one Pass the RF -- far less confusion, and fewer people left out.

I have three Canonets -- I'm sure we could use one for the project. If this is planned well, it should take off. I would even volunteer to also have the negatives scanned.

Who knows, perhaps we could even make a Blurb book out of it?

Just my twopence.
Well, you can include me. I've participated in two previous Pass-the-RFs. One was with one of the lost Canonets that was interupted, the other one completed the trip around the world, but with a second Fed2 as the original one was also lost. It took more than two years to complete the trip and required a lot of pushing and pulling, but the photos were collected in a Blurb book in the end!
Is anyone interested in having a UK pass the RF relay, like the larger ones (successful, less successful and stalled). If it's just UK, postage could be kept down.

I don't have a rangefinder I can put into circulation at the moment, but I do have an Agfa Silette (scale focus) I'd be happy to send off on its travels. Be better if we did have an RF, though.


I'll be in Bristol after June 17 for a while (till October). Where are you located? It will be nice to meet you for a drink and some RF shooting - I'll have some rangefinders with me ;)


I'm in South West London. It would be nice to have a meet up, but I do have a new baby, so plans are up in the air a bit.

Meanwhile, I do see Gabriel's point about only one circulation. It's just that, what with that having been on hold for a few years (five?), it'll take a while to get round to the rest of us.

If there are half a dozen of us or so in the UK, and a RF we can circulate, we should set an agenda of shots to include (self-portrait, hometown etc) and get weaving.
I'm in South West London. It would be nice to have a meet up, but I do have a new baby, so plans are up in the air a bit.

Congrats on the baby and take care.

I will travel with my little baby boy so I guess you are right, lets see.


Count me in if it's UK - I suspect postage costs round Europe might be excessive. I'm completely happy for the camera to be anything reasonably small, even point & shoot, and or digital. I've probably got an Olympus Trip that works and could do the rounds. A simple digital has quite a few advantages going for it - just a thought.

Well, I've got a Canon Ixus I can spare, but it's APS, and I'm not sure everyone will have access to film and processing.
Well, you can include me. I've participated in two previous Pass-the-RFs. One was with one of the lost Canonets that was interupted, the other one completed the trip around the world, but with a second Fed2 as the original one was also lost. It took more than two years to complete the trip and required a lot of pushing and pulling, but the photos were collected in a Blurb book in the end!

Huub, are you sure you didn't mean the Olympus 35 RC? :)

I'd say go for it. UK only is plenty fun, and in the end, make sure you do a blurb book. I still am amazed at what we had with the Little Oly Traveling Camera project.