Scanning frame selection oddity

Local time
9:38 PM
Jul 7, 2011
Hi all, I have an odd bug that has just emerged with my V550/Epson Scan.

Using auto frame selection and thumbnails (the settings I have always used without issue), the scanning software is correctly 'finding' the first frame, but each consecutive frame is increasingly offset.

This happened for each of the four strips of three exposures from this roll. The exposures were all dense (probably overexposed) so the scanner shouldn't have had any issues finding the frames.

I tried reloading the film strips and moving them around. Tried using a spare holder tray, tried restarting the scanner and computer.

The two things I can't figure out:
- The consistency of the error. All four strips had the same pattern of good first frame, then offset.
- Whenever auto-selection has failed previously, there has been something about the exposure which has generated the confusion (very thin negative, a hard line somewhere in the exposure, or similar) - these exposures should have been perfect.

Over the last few weeks I've scanned about a dozen 6x6 rolls without issues, until this one. And I haven't changed any settings that I can find.

Obviously I can use a marquee to manually select frames, but it makes it a tedious process...

Help please!

There's a setting in the Configuration that allows you to choose 6x6, 6x7, or 6x4.5
Maybe check that?
I never use the Thumbnail preview, so don't really know.
Hi all, sorry to revive an old thread.

After five years of no issues, I've just started having exactly the same problem I asked about above. This time with Epson Scan 2. Unfortunately I can't remember how I fixed it last time... Any ideas?
I had some oddball Epson problem (can’t remember what it was though) and the solution as suggested by a Google search was to delete a temp file.