Show us your M240 pics.


MP240 + Lux 35 ASPH

As for digital
It’s a Wonderful medium
But still cannot Capture ‘LIGHT’ as Beautifully

Resolution and even tonal range are Beautiful in digital but just not Light and a certain type of Atmosphere

Just my silly stupid feelings ;)

Hi Helen,
photography is very personal and whatever camera you use, it must feel right for you only. I thought you had a Monochrom (finally;)) but now you are sporting a M240 it seems.
As with film, you need to use it for a while to see and learn how it reacts to light, how it captures light. And same like film, the first step is only the negative. If you are not content with the in camera jpg, you will need to do some "development" on your own in post processing.

You know I love the MM output and found a way to translate the files into wonderful prints. You can get in touch with Cal (after Corona;)), he has one of my large format prints. I have no experience with the M240 and never took a liking to bw conversions from the M9. The MM is a totally different ballgame. No clue if CCD or CMOS would make a difference, I can't afford a MM10 to find out.:eek:
Interesting with the yellow stripes and red jacket, but moved well out of the ordinary by that semi-crouching figure atop the train overpass. One thinks there's got to be a story in that!
Some edits from Last year Vacation

Some edits from Last year Vacation

Ive been struggling with my color work recently, so I took to some older photos from last year and tried to develop a preset that works to me.

A couple from last summer
[/url]Fog Rolls in by Chris Coppola, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]Gull Fight by Chris Coppola, on Flickr[/IMG]
Chatham Pier Fish by Chris Coppola, on Flickr

A couple from this year...a bit more "socially distanced"
20200628-L1002038.jpg by Chris Coppola, on Flickr
Windmills over Eagle by Chris Coppola, on Flickr
Peaking out the window by Chris Coppola, on Flickr
X Trees by Chris Coppola, on Flickr
New Normal.... by Chris Coppola, on FlickrBird enjoying sunset by Chris Coppola, on FlickrAmerica on the rails by Chris Coppola, on Flickr
Picnic at the Lakefront

Picnic at the Lakefront

Just documenting the slowly changing look of our surroundings -- sunset picnic.

M240, 35mm Summaron f2.8

L1001686 by Brusby, on Flickr

2 vertical shots with 50mm Noctilux f1.0 at about f1.4 or f2 stitched together.

L1002012 by Brusby, on Flickr