The lens that never was..

Larry H-L

Local time
6:01 AM
May 4, 2005
Every time I get the urge to pull out the RD-1, I get frustrated because there isn’t a good choice for a 35mm equivalent lens. Where is the 23mm f2 in M-mount? Fuji makes a beautiful one, and an f1.4 version. Leica makes one but in L-mount. Several third-party manufacturers make 23mm lenses, but none are in M-mount. Not one? Yes, some 21mm lenses are close, but they seem either too big or two stops too slow. Pixii owners must be feeling the same?
Surely you can make do with a 24mm or 25mm in M mount? I mean the M mount was never a 1.5 crop APSC so it would be an awkward mm for Leica.
The 24mm ASPH might be pricier than the OP wants; but good 25mm lenses (37.5 equivalent) are available. I like the 25mm Voigtlander in LTM mount. An LTM to M adapter is all that is needed to use it on an M body, and it's a good, sharp and contrasty lens. Compact, too.
Not only does CV make the 25, the RDs Love it. I don't know why I got rid of the one I had, I think because the LTM mount wasn't coupled if I remember right. The M mount is and I should try one out.
Thanks for the suggestions. I have the CV 21mm f3.5, 28mm f3.5, 28 Elmarit. All are OK, slower than f2 though. I am hoping that a third-party manufacturer will see a business opportunity to put an M-mount on already existing 23mm lens formulas. Small and two stops faster than a 25mm f4. I think both RD-1 and Pixii owners would buy it. If nothing appears, I think the 25 Zeiss might be the best option? Anyone using it on the Epson?
I am hoping that a third-party manufacturer will see a business opportunity to put an M-mount on already existing 23mm lens formulas. Small and two stops faster than a 25mm f4. I think both RD-1 and Pixii owners would buy it.

How many of those users exist to cater to over just doing 24mm and 25mm like they always have?
"If nothing appears, I think the 25 Zeiss might be the best option? Anyone using it on the Epson?" I am using the Zeiss Biogon 2.8/28 and it shines on the R-D1:

Since I originally posted this 23mm question back in January, Voigtlander in March announced a new 23mm f1.2 in Fuji X-mount. Maybe my 23mm wish will eventually come true for M-mount? Fingers crossed.

If Voigtlander doesn’t put in M-mount, maybe Sonnar Brian will know a way to convert it for RD-1 and Pixii owners.
The problem is that he wants it for M mount. It exists for X mount and Z mount. Leica just killed their APSC cameras. The only m mount APSC is the Pixii. That said, I had not realized that there really are not too many 24mm lenses for m mount either. Something like the latest CV 21mm 3.5 would be very nice if you could handle it being a little wider. I would go 25mm. I solved the problem by going M240.
Skyllaney could do a conversion- but it would not be cheap. There are no cheap donor 23mm lenses, so a custom cam needs to be manufactured.
As with many problems, it can be solved by throwing money at it.