Your Visual Memories... the Ones You hold dear


A smile & a wink…
Local time
5:02 AM
May 31, 2008
Those photos that bring a Tear, or Bring a Smile, or evoke a feeling
A click in time ... the Ones You can't let go of
could be a loved one, could be a stranger, could be just a moment in time
This One holds memories
Eric and I meeting a dear friend, Cam and her boyfriend in NYC, who live abroad
borrowng her noctilux1.0 in a French Bistro

The buzz and thrill of Good Company, fine food & drink, and a Lens I always wanted to try.
There in the distance, I caught a perfect glimpse of being in a movie, as if shooting a scene, though it was just a casual moment in time

Nocti Magic
by Helen Hill, on Flickr
Well, I didn't take this, my dad did, probably back in 1958 with his old Argus. On Kodachrome. A pic of my ma and sister. This picture makes me smile in so many ways.


Jim B.

This was my grandpa's cat, Molly. I made the photo of her at the beginning of 2009, a couple weeks after grandpa died. She spent weeks in the kitchen window after he died, only coming down to eat. Molly died a year later, a few months before her 20th birthday.

Dear sweet Molly , Bittersweet story
for You two losses in a short period of time
a Wonderful photo, and the Beauty of Memories

I remember there was a fantastic photo of your GrandPapa You posted here on Rff, <Loved t
Let’s hope Jim had a magical journey
He certainly looks like he would Enjoy a Great Adventure
Is it only available through Apple, I can't see it.

Using Chrome (on a Mac), it only shows a broken link icon. However, if I right-click on the icon, I can open the image in a new window. Seems to be happening to some other posters' photos, too.

The images seem to load fine using the Safari browser on Mac. Looking at the links, it seems it might have something to do with a brower's security settings. The photos that aren't loading properly for me only have http:// whereas the other photos with https:// are loading fine on Chrome.
World Trade Center site, New York City September 11, 2006 - A visual that will forever be burned into my mind. The husband and mother of Renee Tetreault Newell, an American Airlines employee who was aboard AA flight 11, the first to fly into the WTC five years earlier.

Well, I didn't take this, my dad did, probably back in 1958 with his old Argus. On Kodachrome. A pic of my ma and sister. This picture makes me smile in so many ways.


Jim B.

Jim, we have some similar Kodachrome photos taken on a big hill in Ann Arbor, late 50s early 60s. Your pic brings back great memories!
The moment my oldest daughter was born. This is the midwife holding her with one hand, I just cut the umbilical cord and run to grab the camera.

We got him at 8 weeks...lived to be 15 years old...
Picture taken a few weeks after removal of a tumour on his came right back and didn't even heal...we had to let him go so he wouldn't suffer...
He's in his happy place, the garage...behind him is the step-ladder he loved and the vacuum he hated...
He's been gone over three years, I still miss him...

This picture can make me smile and cry at the same time.

Speaking of visual memories. Here is one I just put up on Facebook and suddenly, on seeing this thread here, I realized it was relevant to that too. It is dear to me because over all the memory is a happy one and because it is so vivid. Why? I know not!

This was me aged I am not sure, perhaps 12months give or take? And I am dressed in a kind of gown that for some reason was a unisex formal fashion known as a smock (which I think probably should have long gone well out of fashion by the time I was around but which for some reason my parents thought to be fitting for me in this photo. It was in its hey day long before I was on the earth, as I say - back in the Edwardian era.) In any event the relevance to this thread is not how I am clothed, it is what I am doing.

If you look closely you can see that in my right hand I am holding fragments of the fake grass on which I am also sitting. The odd thing is that here am I 60 years later and I distinctly recall me doing this and the look of those fragments in my hand. And no I do not think I am reconstructing......I have had this memory as long as I can recall. Not only that I recall the building this took place in, including which side of the street it was on. I can recall some elements of the studio in which the pic was made. I recall the color of the smock I am wearing - blue of course to signify my sex, but a kind of dusty grey blue. I even recall the slightly scratchy feel of the fake grass on my bare legs. And I can recall the camera - a large format old fashioned job with a wooden frame. And yet most times I cannot recall where I left my keys or put my umbrella. Perhaps it is because most of the above recollections are visual ones.

Never the less, I sometimes wonder if this early experience of photography was the genesis of my interest in photography. Hard to know. (Though I am sure it certainly never gave me the inclination to dress up in women's clothes....... :):) )
