Best longer telephoto for landscape shots with RZ67?


Local time
10:14 AM
Apr 11, 2010
Hey everyone,

I'm looking into expanding my existing RZ67 system (body and 180mm f/4.5 telephoto) for landscape photography. The current lens has worked well for portraits and some smaller-scale landscapes, but I'm looking for a longer lens that will allow me to build a lot of compression into more expansive scenes (specifically mountains and valleys, but also other things like boats anchored in a harbor).

I'm looking at the 360mm f/6 and the 350mm f/5.6 APO. The latter is newer, but around 2-4 times more expensive than the former. Does it justify the extra cost or will I be happy with the 360mm? There is also a 600mm available but I think that will be too long for my needs.

I may add the 110mm f/2.8 at some point, but I'm prioritizing the long tele first.
This has to do what exactly with digital medium or large format cameras?
The RZ67 can use digital backs, and it is a non-rangefinder medium format camera. It could technically go in the SLR section, but that is oriented more toward 35mm film SLRs.
The RZ67 can use digital backs, and it is a non-rangefinder medium format camera. It could technically go in the SLR section, but that is oriented more toward 35mm film SLRs.

I lived with the impression a MF SLR subgroup would exist, but looking it up I see it does not exist. Sorry, my wrong.
Here is a great chart from photographer Jake Horn: Lens Focal Length Equivalents — Jake Horn Photography
Since most of us moved up to medium format from 35mm, and are used to the effects of various focal lengths in that format, this chart makes it easier to choose a MF lens focal length based on that experience.
Beyond that, get the focal length you need, and a lens in top-notch condition. Compromising on either criterion will only leave you frustrated and regretting your purchase. Ask me how I know!
Here is a great chart from photographer Jake Horn: Lens Focal Length Equivalents — Jake Horn Photography
Since most of us moved up to medium format from 35mm, and are used to the effects of various focal lengths in that format, this chart makes it easier to choose a MF lens focal length based on that experience.
Beyond that, get the focal length you need, and a lens in top-notch condition. Compromising on either criterion will only leave you frustrated and regretting your purchase. Ask me how I know!
That's helpful! It looks like the 360mm will give me reach similar to a 180mm on 35mm full frame, which is one of the focal lengths I like to use.