75mm f/1.4 Summilux Photos

There are some amazing photos in this thread. Your portraits are really nice Dirk, well done.

Perhaps it is not entirely ok to mention it in this forum, I don't know (but I checked the classifieds here first) but a 75 type 2 recently popped up over at the other big Leica forum. It's in the US.
There are some amazing photos in this thread. Your portraits are really nice Dirk, well done.

Perhaps it is not entirely ok to mention it in this forum, I don't know (but I checked the classifieds here first) but a 75 type 2 recently popped up over at the other big Leica forum. It's in the US.

Thanks :D

And I find this entirely appropriate, to hint for a deal on one of these puppies. In my opinion, everybody should have one + it's hard to come by a good deal these days :-(
it's hard to come by a good deal these days :-(

However on the upside, the 75 Lux has still yet to go the way of the Noctilux - prices on the 75 are creeping up in the UK, whereas the Nocti has doubled in the past couple of years - now around £4500 in the UK for a decent copy - you can bag a good Lux for half that.

If you are in the market for one and find one you can afford I say go for it - when I bought mine I wasn’t sure it was a keeper, but as the dealer said 'you won't lose money on it'. So far he's right - though currently it's not going anywhere!
There are lenses and there are masterpieces

Using the lux 75 on the full frame M9 is like going into a trance to me

some results -> (i "see better" with my left eye hence the DSLR style shot)







I know there are three versions of this lens, or 2,5 depending on how one counts.

E. Puts reports that the 1st (clip-on hood) version weighs 490g, that the 2nd (pull-out hood) version weighs a whole lot more, 600g, and that the 3d (Anniversary edition) version weighs 560g. They're all optically identical as I understand it.

If one wants as light a kit as possible, is there anything that speaks against the first version, apart from the clip-on hood (if that's a drawback)?
philipus said:
If one wants as light a kit as possible, is there anything that speaks against the first version, apart from the clip-on hood (if that's a drawback)?

philipus, I think the first one close-focuses to 0.9 or 1 meter, while the later ones are 0.7. Otherwise no difference.
philipus, I think the first one close-focuses to 0.9 or 1 meter, while the later ones are 0.7. Otherwise no difference.

Thanks Mike. Ok that's very useful to know. Can be quite a limitation. I have a pre-asph 50 summilux with 1m closest focusing distance and much prefer the 0,7m of the asph. Granted perhaps one would use the 75 in different settings at longer distances. Still i think i would use it indoors for close-up portraits so the first version might not be what I want, even though it is much lighter.

Hmmm tricky.