A War Photographer movie


Local time
6:50 PM
Nov 19, 2006
Few days ago downloaded an AVI movie on a known contemporary war photographer.
It is called War Photographer. This is a documentary project - shows up his work in field (they attached some kind of small video camera to his 1V, an interesting point of view from his perspective). It has three parts (three separate AVI files). Hadn't much time to see them all, but the first 20 minutes of the first part are quite promising...

Albeit no relation to RF, but still film - showing the guy working hard with his pair of 1V bodies (has been filmed perhaps in the end of 90s or beginning of 2000s).
In English + some German speaking here and there.

If anyone is interested to check it out - I'll try to figure the link to download form.

Since then he changed to digital and the download is probably illegal in most countries as it is a copyrighted film.
btw, he uses digital only for time sensitive assignments. He still prefers film for non time-sensitive work and personal work. Tri-X 400

Uses Canon SLRs, 16-35 L, 50/1.4. Also Leica for personal work.

I am taking a fine art printing class with Brian Young, James Nachwey's printer, and he brought out some of Nachtwey's prints to use as examples in the class. They were stunning. They were all 20x24's (from 35mm Tri-x in microdol), and looked amazing. The impression these shots have is just unbelievable, especially printed big and in person. This photo in particular was amazing in person: http://www.electricedge.com/greymatter/images5/nachtwey.jpg

The movie is also excellent, and I highly recommend watching it.
The guy once went to friend's wedding at a synaguoge. Whoops we can't see his film since his past actions are too sensitive to the Royal family in Dubai, or was it UAE, or was it Dearborn?
It's an excellent film, my favorite part being the end where he makes some inspiring statements about why he does the work he does. I would recommend buying it as something to inspire oneself from time to time. I watch at least a few minutes of it every month or so.
It is an interesting movie. As Gary said, his insight into his motivations and why he does what he does is interesting. Well worth the time to view.
Thank you guys for the encouragement, I'll indeed probably consider to purchase one to enjoy the full quality of the movie.
I guess he ought to swtich to digital for work, this is natural to our days, but nice to know he still does not consider film as a dead media and moreover, shoots with leica for personal joy....