Are Petri RF cameras reliable?


Local time
6:42 AM
Jul 17, 2008
They're cheap, attractive and have good specs -- but are Petri
RF cameras reliable?

I know the Petri SLRs sure aren't. It's a miracle to find one that
works at all in my experience.

But, I wonder if the Petri RF cameras are worth buying "blind" from
photo-clueless eBay sellers?
Hi Bob,
Can't say for any Petri RF, I own only one - 7s, working one. Reading that 7s isn't built as well as typical FL RF from Japan, I wondered what can be different. But after time I realized - it is different. OK, I stick to fixed lens Yashica's and have Konica Auto S2, too - to see what is I compare to. All in all, there's no day and night difference, but latter are just more consistent, more rugged, lens barrel construction and finish what I especially like better on Yashica's and Konica's over Petri. Advancing is smoother and quiter (pure design issue).

But 7s has decent VF, wide and easy release button so that I don't need soft release attachment with it.

I think for right price 7s can be used, just like any other camera. Items like "...not expert, can't say anything about it, cosmetics are excellent" - such items should go for accordingly low bids. Bidder takes risk of having paper press (or "display item" as sellers like to call this kind of gear) or put some resources (labor or money) into it to make it work.

I don't regret having it, don't use it much but good to have at least for educational purpose. Maybe some day I will swap it to someone, just because of minor use.
I've not owned a Petri RF in full working order yet (out of three). Their SLRs are pretty marginal too. Yet, despite that, many Petri cameras are attractively styled - colorful really - and I own a (working) FT with a few odd lenses.