Argus A... anybody shooting ?

Luddite Frank

Local time
1:04 PM
Nov 7, 2007
I just picked-up my second ( or third?) Argus A, an early one from 1937: single sprocket, s/n 70032.

Wondering if anybody shoots theirs, and has pics ?


Luddite Frank
The only one I have used is my Argus FA. The results looked surprisingly good to me. Sorry for the quality of images here. They were digitized using my D70-PB-6 setup with probably my old 50mm Tessar enlarging lens.


Sorry that I don't have more detailed info on the image inside the Fort below the bridge.

I don't use it very often, and in order to keep the camera shake to a minimum I've learned to use 200 ISO film or faster and use an early cable release. Lots of Vignetting too.




I have to say, I like the Argus A3 a little better in build quality ;)
Thanks for the photos, guys !

Thanks for the photos, guys !

Beautiful cameras, both.

Very interesting photos... they definitely have "character"...

I don't mind the vignetting ( from a viewer's standpoint )...

I'll have to get my latest cleaned-up, go down to Steamtown National Historic Site, and shoot some Iron Horses.

I wonder why the vignetting is so pronounced? I hadn't noticed in the FA images but then there is a slight cropping when using the D70 on the bellows.
I've got a couple of A's around here somewhere. An AF, and an A2B, but haven't been able to work them into the rotation yet. Seems the cameras accumulate faster than I can get them fixed and tested.

The only one I have used is my Argus FA. The results looked surprisingly good to me. Sorry for the quality of images here. They were digitized using my D70-PB-6 setup with probably my old 50mm Tessar enlarging lens.


Sorry that I don't have more detailed info on the image inside the Fort below the bridge.

Nice pic, 20 or more years ago?
.. "the bridge" is the Golden Gate Bridge.

the perimeter edge of the fort is famous as the jumping off point into San Francisco bay for Kim Novak's character in Hitchcock's Vertigo.

the fort's courtyard where the canon is located in this pic is also famous for the last scene in the Lee Marvin movie Point Blank.

Last year that canon was sitting rusted, neglected and forlorn inside a not so well protected wall cavity - shown behind the canon in this pic.
