Argus C3 and Kodak Porta 400


Yay! Cameras! 🙈🙉🙊┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘ [◉"]
Local time
3:03 PM
Oct 20, 2006
Just wanted share some recent shots with the C3, the marvelous Cintar lens, and Kodak Portra 400.

I was limited by the 1/300 shutter speed on the outside shots (needed about 1/500) and was hand holding at 1/30 @F/4.5 on the indoor shots. Used some post-processing on #1 & #4. #2 & #3 were untouched other than resizing/framing. Processing and low-res scans from Walgreens. :D Enjoy!




Very nice, and I'm particularly struck by the rendering in available light interior shots. And the composition in #3 reminds of a Dutch Old Master domestic scene.
Nice images!
Never had an Argus (unfortunately), so I was wondering if the subdued color rendering (especially in #2) are the result of the Cintar lens or Kodak Portra 400?
I am a huge fan of the Cintar's bokeh. I've only ever run B&W through mine before... this post makes me want to run some Ektar through it.
Thanks for all the kind comments.

One thing to watch out for with the C3 is tendency to double-expose. I thought I had more of these on this roll but was lucky to just have this one. (I believe I over-advanced the film because of this. I couldn't remember if I advanced the film or not so to play it safe I skipped a few blank frames unintentionally.) I only got 33 shots off the 36-exposure roll.

As the film advance and shutter cocking are two separate steps, I also forgot to cock the shutter on many occasions. A little distracting when people are posing for a shot.

As regards the double exposure, I have to make certain that I advance and cock immediately after each frame with my C3 or else I also double expose. It's the only thing that keeps mine out of the daily rotation.
I too was very impressed with the results of the Cintar lens...I really like the colors you got...
Argus C3 with Fuji Pro 160S...
Yes indeed, gorgeous colour from that Portra. Well done. The top shutter speed is an issue in bright light isn't it? Not, however, the only camera I own where this is a problem... :p

The indoor shots turned out wonderfully. Good hand-holding. :)