Argus C3 Shutter, low speed hang


Eternal Student
Local time
12:19 AM
Oct 5, 2013
Just dug out an old C3 that belonged to my grandfather, and I have a few questions I couldn't find answers to online...

The shutter was in abysmal condition when I found it, but placing the shutter assembly in some lighter fluid helped quite a bit. Unfortunately, the shutter hangs partially open at speeds slower than 1/25th. It seems like the problem is not the shutter, but slackness in the metal ribbon/actuator/spring assembly. All other speeds fire well, but I have no way of checking for accuracy (I'm used to focal plane shutters).

Which brings me to my second question. It seems like there's a lot of leeway in how one mounts the slow-speed gear-train... theres a lot of play before tightening it down. Is there a way it's supposed to be set up? I installed it such that the slightest tension on the pull-rod already has the gear train engaged with the shutter-cock....
I was wondering if any of the folks from the Argus group on Yahoo ever got back to you. I saw where you posted a question to the web site, and it was presented to the members on the Yahoo Group pages, but like usual, they all replied directly to the Yahoo page, instead of you by using your e-mail address.
