Argust 15th

On the topic of Argus C3 RF calibration - thanks rjbuzzclick for that link. I'm lucky in that mine seems "ok" although I'm at narrow apertures here for the most part which helps. Don't really know how accurate the focus is, and I've certainly taken some soft shots when using it wider open. I should probably check it!

Nice photos. I also looked through your Flickr C3 album and there's nice stuff in there too.

You're welcome. Rick's site is a wealth of info and illustrations for camera tinkerers.

I think the Cintar lens is generally soft wide open. Calibrating the C3 rangefinder is not that exact of a procedure anyway, so if you're mostly happy with yours, it might not be worth the headache to adjust it. Certainly, if you can pull off a close-up shot like your "Headstone, Toronto Necropolis", I would say your rangefinder is pretty spot on.
In my experience the older Cintars can be all over the place, depending on many factors, not the least of which is manufacturing variances of the C-3 body. I found that out when swapping lenses around one day. And shooting wide open is just inviting softness. Many Cintars are a bit hazed too from sitting around for many years in someones closet.

The Sandmar 35mm lens can be soft at times, but the 100mm is good.

The Soligor 135mm is really nice, as long as you don't accidentally flip an element when cleaning it (like I did).

I flipped an element in a 50mm Cintar for a friend of mine because he wanted that center-sharp/swirly-edge look. He then complained that it wasn't doing it, until I mentioned that if he'd quit shooting 400 speed film in bright sunlight, and get the aperture opened up, it would. Then he was happy.

Nice photos. I also looked through your Flickr C3 album and there's nice stuff in there too.

You're welcome. Rick's site is a wealth of info and illustrations for camera tinkerers.

I think the Cintar lens is generally soft wide open. Calibrating the C3 rangefinder is not that exact of a procedure anyway, so if you're mostly happy with yours, it might not be worth the headache to adjust it. Certainly, if you can pull off a close-up shot like your "Headstone, Toronto Necropolis", I would say your rangefinder is pretty spot on.

Thanks, much appreciated.