Argust 18th


PF McFarland
Local time
1:04 PM
Jan 1, 2009
Get ready for this Saturday 8-18-18 to break out the old Argus (any model, it doesn't matter), and take some photos.

Post results here.

Looks like I'm shooting some black and white this year. My color negative film is still sitting on top of an Argus C33 waiting to be developed from last year.
Well, I've had the Matchmatic out this morning. It's an advanced form of masochism in itself, so trying to use it whilst lugging shopping bags round is A Bad Thing. I'll take a few in the garden in a mo, and finish the roll next weekend at Kew Gardens.

No photos with an Argus-t today, but I did check out, and admire, an Argus brick at a local antiques shop just an hour or so ago. It actually was one of the more interesting cameras in that shop, most were the usual old point and shoot kind. No, I did not buy it, most of the controls seemed frozen, and I wasn't about to make it into a project.
Shot about 25 frames of Ferrania P30 in the Argus C-44.
Mainly during a bicycle ride in the morning sun.
Negatives are still drying. Should have something to show tomorrow

Mixing up a new batch of D-76. I have an old beat up brick that I have been shooting this week.
I was able to get two thirds of a roll exposed before the weather moved in. But that was after driving about eighty miles east to get in front of the weather.

The C3 I was using today was bought a couple of weeks ago at an auction in a box of mixed camera gear for $5. Just needed a little external cleaning, and it was ready to go.



Argus C-44 with Ferrania P30
The 18th was a cloudy, rainy day, and I was not motivated. But my Argus 21 Markfinder is loaded with film, so why wait until next year.
A few days after the 18th, but you get the idea.

Credit: David Swan


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I finally got my film from last year processed, and after a couple weeks delay due to other business needing attending to I've now got them posted on Flickr.

Argus C3, Cintar 50mm 1:3.5, Ilford Delta 100

Tails by P F McFarland, on Flickr

Last Chance Gone By by P F McFarland, on Flickr

442 In The Shade by P F McFarland, on Flickr

Goodnight, Storm by P F McFarland, on Flickr

I wound up using a Series IV hood with a No 44 adapter (both Kodak) that came with the camera, and it caused some wicked vignetting. Won't make that mistake again.

Ah, all the photos now show in the Album view, so here is the link
