Argust 20th in two weeks


PF McFarland
Local time
7:19 AM
Jan 1, 2009
It's that time of year again (when the date in August matches the last two digits of the year, or 8-20-20) to drag your Argus cameras out from what ever dark corner of the closet you keep them to get some photos from that one particular day.

This year I'll be using the Argus A-Four, a Kodak Pony style Bakelite bodied beauty with the Argus Coated Cintar 44mm f/3.5 that I repaired after someone tried to fire the shutter without cocking it first, thus bending the release lever which jammed the shutter. It's one of those cameras that you either have to load film in it to release the shutter lock, or you open it up and spin the sprocket shaft to do the same. It's only got four shutter speeds (1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200) so I'll be limited on what film to use unless I would want to pull process some Tri-X or HP-5.

Post your Argust Day photos in this thread when you get them developed and scanned.

Hoping that the weather is good! Got the day off.

Planning on running around with an Argoflex EF and an Argus A2.

Safe Shooting All!

Steve W
I dusted off the C3 and shot a bunch images around MIT using Kodak Double X. I will develop them this weekend and post here and elsewhere.
I was out with my Argoflex EF and A2 and did some shooting.

The 620 is processed. I still need to process the 35mm.

Steve W
Some good looking images there. Unfortunately I had a spate of medical issues crop up, and missed out this year. I still might take the a-four out tomorrow so I can at least say I got some photos during August.


Note: Nope, it rained buckets most of the day, so Argust was a complete wipe out for me.
I did finally get a roll through the a-four last week, but it was fighting me the whole way. When I went to rewind it ripped all the sprockets, then tore the leader off. Not worth sending it in for development, as it would jam in the machine.
