Baby and Mother

"Is secondhand nicotine healthier than a straight injection?"
Good photo, btw.
Harry, thanks. The fact that no one would respond gave me some indication where people's heads were going with this photo if they had any reaction at all. Now, I have long ago realized this group prefers "sunshine and happiness" photos but you were the first to express.
my wife and I stopped smoking when she was pregnant with our first child. We wanted to do everything possible for the health of our baby. SInce then I wonder how a pregnant woman can go on smoking, but I know there can be so many circumstances keeping people on the cigarettes.
I always have an eye on your photos, as I once realized that you shoot with your heart involved.
Harry, thanks. The fact that no one would respond gave me some indication where people's heads were going with this photo if they had any reaction at all. Now, I have long ago realized this group prefers "sunshine and happiness" photos but you were the first to express.
I thought a lot, but it was too nuanced to try to post it on the internet without being misunderstood.

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Mother & Child​

Fujifilm X-T2 camera
Fujinon XF 16mm f2.8 R WR lens
May 2024 - Yokohama, Japan​