Critique #18 *Open Theme*: 5 Participants


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Jan 28, 2005
Welcome to this critique thread. Please read the purpose statement and the guidelines/ground rules regarding participation.

The primary purpose of this thread is to provide a forum where photographers can give and receive constructive criticism on one another's photographs. By setting up some basic guidelines we hope that this thread will provide a forum where the give and take of honest constructive criticism can help us become better photographers.

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The thread has very specific rules regarding participation. The one basic rule is that you cannot provide criticism on an image or comment in a critique thread unless you also have an image posted. To post an image to this thread you must be a participant. Participation in this thread is limited. Here are the guidelines and ground rules for participation:

• Participation in this thread is limited to 5 photographers
• Participants join the thread by posting their intention. You can simply reply with your intent to join by posting something like: "I'm joining," "I'm in," or just state your name
• Joining is on a "first come, first served" basis. The first 5 to reply become the participants
• Once the thread has 5 participants, no other photographers can join or participate in the thread
• Once the thread is full of participants all photographers will upload their image(s)
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•The number of photos for each participant is limited to one
• Photographers attach photos as thumbnails (no inline images or links)
• Photographers post their images supplying titles (if any) and other pertinent information (the amount of information should be minimal)
• Photographers can only comment on their own images and reply to comments only when everyone else in the thread has posted their comments on the image
• Every participant must comment on every photo (except their own—initially)
• Every participant must make at least two comments, one positive comment, and one constructive criticism (which is actually two positive comments)
• Once every photographer has commented then a free flowing discussion begins. It is at this point that every photographer can comment on their own work and reply to comments, ask questions, etc.
• The participants decide when the thread closes.

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This thread is now active, please follow the guidelines if you'd like to participate! Have Fun!

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"light and space"



  • street light.jpg
    street light.jpg
    192.8 KB · Views: 0
gorgeous image with beautiful light and color, I really like the repeating patterens and shapes in this one. The black hole in the center seems to anchor this one, in a good way, I think if it were more prominent or bigger it would detract from the patterns in the rest of the image. The only thing I would consider is maybe cropping the left side a little to remove the intruding part on that side. Very nice!

are those 10:15 onions from A&M? :) I like the sense of movement this one has, the interaction between the patron and the girls helping him. The highlights are blown out, I assume in order to have detail in the main portion of the image, it's a little distracting but seems to add to the outdoor feel of a farmers mkt setting like this. Maybe a possible curve or levels adjustment would pull the brightest part down a bit, nice job!

this looks like something from a sci-fi movie, I keep expecting a giant worm to fly out and eat somebody :). The tonality and detail is pretty good here, but the focus seems off. It looks like you were at the near focus limit of the lens you were using, the sharpest area seems to fall behind the outer part of the hole on the left side. Have you tried a crop on this one? I find myself wanting to move the hole over to the left side a little, a 5x7 crop (from the right) might be a good alternative, nice job!

really nice tones and exposure in this shot. Where did the hands to the clock go? The exit sign and the clock, sans hands, provide tension to the words which have a calming effect, making this kind of surreal to me. IMHO, I think you could remove the two letters, "ry" or "ny", on the left side of the frame to good effect. Great!

Thanks everyone for participating!
A suprising image that sneaks up on you – at first look I thought –“I’ve seen this one before” in terms of the composition. But then I looked more closely, and I was immediately drawn into the detail of the image –the darkness of the bottom arch which I could imagine was a door in even to another plane. I felt as if I could walk towards it and through it – what would be on the other side?

The contrast between the flat landing and the stairs on the right and left of the picture also adds to the complexity, as do the different arches on the banister, and the 2 marbled rather than plain steps.

So well done- what I first thought was a standard view down an admittedly attractive staircase can certainly spark the imagination on considered viewing.

Light and space
A stark, strong image and I particularly like the contrast in the wall. This adds a sense of solidity that is well countered by the fragility of the street light. This seems like the antennae of some insect bustling away on an important errand to me. There’s a sense of delicate purpose in them, even though I know they don’t move.

The subtlety of tonality in the sky is also well done. And the image needs its black border to contain it.

I’d hang this one on my wall for sure!

2 pounds of onions
This one tells a commonplace story and I’ve been to similar markets myself, but never felt quite confident enough to take photos of strangers at that range. I like the sense that it’s hard to date the image, and the ragged frame and the film grain adds to a feel that it’s an image from an earlier decade to me. Of course it might be yesterday!

I do find the turned back of the onion seller disconcerting, as if she’s seen and turned away from the photographer. But I like the sense that one can look through the image and imagine that these transactions are going on beyond the frame. There’s flare in the image , but it adds to the atmosphere for me.

Tree hole
This image is intriguingly abstract and the tones and (on my monitor) green tinge make it more so. If it didn’t have a title I’d have to look hard to work out what it was – a satellite image? A close up from an electron microscope? It gets you thinking at least. If one squints at it there’s the hint of a distorted face screaming and two stubby arms outspread, and a sense of pain. It evokes vaguely sinister premonitions. Maybe that is why I admit it’s not an image I like overly- but it caused a reaction!

Thanks ALL - every image got me thinking!
Sbug - Untitled...

Sbug - Untitled...

Well dark holes always have phenomenal gravity;) , lovely stairs, the left side is a bit distracting, because it looks like an independant element, because there's no continuity of the stairs, the right side is of marble, no stairs, the left is stairs...

As i said above, it;s attarctive scale goes from bigger to smaller, going down the stairs ending with a black hole, that shapes as a door, absorbing everything within it...Excuse me i'm a bit involved in modern physics...

Special stairs indeed, well done.
Todd - Light and space

Todd - Light and space

Light and space, very strong theme, what binds our universe, 1st the wall is very well placed, it has a strong existance, the supporting definition of a wall, the contrasting dirt, vertically pulling your eyes upwards tol the light and space, it has a sort of a presentative existance, i like the tones and composition, sometimes it occurs to me that you never miss a thing:D

I've been looking at it for quite a while, it's quite simple, and makes me think of tons of stuff, the same way looking at a sea wave, or a sha de of light or a lone thing makes you feel..

Great job.
AOI photo - 2 pounds of onions

AOI photo - 2 pounds of onions

I like it because it's full of motion, bargaining, picking, weighing, money back and forth, and then you just go home happy with the good deals you made today...

And you did that, a merchant got money, givin back change, the woman with a couple of oignons in her hhand, the lady getting away with her 2 pounds and the one who's leaving the place...

The poses of the lady suggests a dynamic composition, but the little girl over there, doesn't seme a part of it...
Jmilkins - out of time

Jmilkins - out of time

After looking for long, i find myself thnking way too much of what the rest of the phrase would be, the exit sign poiting at the clock, timeless clock:eek: , and the phrase suggesting there's good wine and food, which gives a sense of a nice evening, and then i don't get what is the exit sign suggesting, except that it'sointing towards the timless clock, well it keeps me thinking, but i like the idea of comining food and wine with a timless clock anyway...
OK, here goes...

Todd: I really like this a lot. Excellent use of negative space through some well executed framing. The curves of the streetlights are a great contrast to the hard lines below. The small cloud in the lower left is nice as well and breaks up the sky just a bit. Possibly a pedestrian walking by or paused somewhere along the way would add a nice human element but knot knowing the exact location, I'm not sure if that's even physically possible.

Jason (AOI): Lots to look at in your photo. Nice detail and a moodiness that would be lost in a silky smooth digital capture. I like knowing where this was shot with the inclusion of the sign at the top of the frame. I would love to see the face of the woman holding the bag of onions.

nomade: "tree hole" is an unusual shot. It almost loks as though it could have been shot from an airplane flying over a volcano! :) The more I look at it the more questions I have. What caused the hole? Does an animal live in it? Is the tree alive or has it fallen to the forest floor? Maybe a couple of these could be answered if the photo were taken from one step further back? I look forward to your description of the shot.

John (jmilkins): Lovely tones and I like the contrasting light and dark areas. To me, the clock with no hands and the words below indicate that this was taken in a friendly place that does not make anyone leave before they are ready. I'd like to see this paired with another shot of the area to give it a bit more meaning.

OK, I did all that without looking at the earlier comments so now it is time to post this and then scroll up to see if I repeated anyone else's comments. ;)