Critique #5 (5 person, 1 image/person)

Poptart said:
Hello all; sorry for my tardiness.

Okay, the rainy day shot: I like the Steichen-esque quality of street landscapes like this and the rain on the windows really makes this photo. If I could change anything it would be to have a definite center to the composition.

Thanks for the Steichen-like comment. There's no comparison of course, but I posted this shot because I thought it looked like a shot from that time period.

Nice friendly comments, folks, I appreciate it.

kully said:
- Ferider

I was looking at all of these photos last night on the monitor at home and it can't be calibrated very well because I was wondering for a short while what on earth that thing was on the grass. I can feel the morning freshness looking at this photo and my eye being drawn to the cow is guided around the lake/coast easily. Maybe it's cows in general but looking at the photo is really stands out - super high contrast amidst the low contrast sky, land and water - nice effect, did you dodge and burn it? I'd love to see a print of this.
I can't decide whether it would but maybe getting rid of some of that blank space in the bottom left hand corner?

Thanks (also to the others) ! I tried to crop it differently, but somehow that destroys the composition for me.

No dodging and burning. I took the picture for color on a strong contrast color film with an extremely contrasty lens, the Orion. The original was nice (green, brown and blue and the B&W cow, during the golden evening minutes), but when I played with it I realized what it would give me in B&W.

This is BTW at Point Reyes, a light house an hour north of San Francisco, I think the most western point of the US.


kully said:
That's all the commenting done.

Popart, I'm trying to get this kind of high-contrast but failing with HP5. Is this the TriX+Rodinal look or did you have to do something special?

Try Delta: it gives pretty punchy contrast with Rodinal in most kinds of lighting.