Critique #7 (5p,1i/)


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6:49 AM
Jan 28, 2005
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• Every participant must make at least two comments, one positive comment, and one constructive criticism (which is actually two positive comments)
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Bessa R3A, 40mm M-Rokkor and Fuji color print film. I converted it in PS using duotones and added a frame and mat.


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Ted's AF Shot

Ted's AF Shot

I have to do these one_at_a_time_and_one_per_post, so I apologize for adding 5 seperate posts.

Ted, You've got some classic elements working for you in this shot, the arch and the centralized perspective. Both are very appealing on their own in photographs, imo, and you've got them both! Good eye to see this and use them to your advantage. The arch as a framing mechanism is perfect here, and that you've got the arch pattern repeating thoroughout is another indication of a good eye.
The pose of the person on the left is nice, too, and the empty chair which appears on a diagonal with this person and cutting across the perspective feels like an invitaion to "have a seat." I'd like to have seen the empty seat pulled back beyond the arch and into the courtyard. There also appears to be a slight rightward tilt to the image, which should be easy to straighten. I'd also crop the top to lose that little bit up there, and you may want to consider cropping some off the bottom. A nice job of seeing composing, exposing and working with the elements. Congrats on a fine image, a keeper!

Chuck A - Bikes

Chuck A - Bikes

This image of the old bikes with rain fenders, and the angle they are to each other gives the feeling of friendship. Maybe a little corny, but it gives an impresion that 2 friends biked somewhere and locked up their bikes together or something while they went to study or shop or whatever.

The bikes appear old, not like the current mountain bike craze, but the R pedal on the R bike indicates a pretty recent pedal wtih toe-clips so I think it's a recent photo, though the rain fenders and the carrying platform on the L bike indicate they are old.

The brick outlines and tne cement diagonal line in the lower left give some interesting angling to the photo. Very nice.

Chuck A said:
Bessa R3A, 40mm M-Rokkor and Fuji color print film. I converted it in PS using duotones and added a frame and mat.
RayPA - coin telescopes

RayPA - coin telescopes

I know where this is and have been here. I've likely used one of these telescopes. The texture, grain, and shadows are very nice. Very classic "Leica look." The decay of the cement wall gives is interesting, yet the exteriors of the telescopes seem intact though chances of either working properly is always a toss-up :)

On screen, I can't read all the wording on the sign, this might be a little confusing to some in that the top larger gext is partially readable.

The framing is excellent, I can't see any way I would crop this differently. The breaking waves right behind each telescope is also interesting.

Very good photo Ray.

RayPA said:
No problem, Manny. Looking forward to it.

Here's mine.

Remrf - light and shadow abstract

Remrf - light and shadow abstract

First impressions were that it was folded paper, but looking closer, harder to tell. Looking at it sideways reminds of the NBC peacock. Nice abstract work with even grain and tones. Would be a nice image for a CD cover of post-rock music.

remrf said:
Here is mine. A light and shadow abstract.
ampguy - Arches

ampguy - Arches

I have always loved the anticipation of coming out of a tunnel and into a new environment. Your photo is very inviting and the architectural details on the other side give it some drama. Your use of the repeated archway elements draws me in as well. The people sitting and reading as well as the Borders name on the umbrella also adds to the excitement. I would love to go into this courtyard and sit and read.

Also, you did a very nice job technically. The exposure is very nice and holds detail in both the shadows and the highlights.

The only problems that I see are the slight tilt and I don't care for the disembodied leg on the left side. I might have waited for that person to leave or tried to find another perspective. It might have made a cleaner composition. Otherwise, great composition and a photo with a nice feeling to it.
RayPA - telescopes

RayPA - telescopes

These telescopes are always an interesting subject. They have a great shape and are so retro looking and you have done a nice job of placing them in the frame. They almost look like two people overlooking the ocean. The tonality is nice and I also like the deteriorating wall. It gives the place some character.

I really can't see another way of cropping this photo but I might like to see any other shots from this place. When I first looked at it I thought that it might be a little cliche' but as I looked longer that thought went away. Great job.
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remrf - A light and shadow abstract

remrf - A light and shadow abstract

This shot really keeps me guessing as to the subject. I like the tones, the grain and the shapes.

My only concern is the blue color cast. I can't tell if the photo is shot in B&W or color. If it is a B&W photo I might have made it a bit warmer. Good job.
Chuck A

Chuck A

Chuck, first of all, excellent presentation. The framing (and the duotone) works well. I want to get around to doing this too, especially now with these critique threads. It feels "finished."

I like the realist element in this shot--the idea that an important part of this composition is the fact that something exists outside the frame. I think we all tend to think of composition as "closed" and complete within the frame, and when we view images we are restricted to what we see and seldom think beyond the frame--outside the box, if you will (if any of that makes sense).

The result is a looser, less formal composition, but the informality is just as pleasing. I think you've got all the elements working here. I like the diagonal of the bikes and that you've worked the brickwork nicely into the composition. Although the bikes are centralized in the composition your viewpoint adds some dynamics. I'm tempted to trim a little off the left side just to move the bicycles over a little off center and to tighten up the composition, and maybe trim the top down, but again I think part of the appeal is the looseness. Great shot, great presentation. It's ready for the wall!
ManGo - A Kiss

ManGo - A Kiss

At first I didn't like this shot so much. It seemed too busy and unfocused. But the more that I look the better I like it. It is really growing on me. I found myself looking at each person and wondering why this show is so interesting. The ongoing kiss is more than it appears. The girl is either shy or does not totally welcome the mans advance. It is almost like the post behind her stopped her retreat. Her lips are not puckered and her arms are not around the man. It goes well with the sign. Half of a kiss for half price.

Anyway, the only changes that I see would be some cropping from the top and toning down some of the bright clothes. They draw too much attention away from the kiss. Great job.
remrf said:
Here is mine. A light and shadow abstract.

Beautiful capture. The curves and tones are very nice. The image has a wonderfully calm, zen-like quality. I kind of want to see more of the bottom "loop," but more than that I think I'd like to see this in a fully square format. The right side doesn't do as much for me as the left side. I can see why you went this way. The image feels balalnced, but I think taking that little bit off to make the square would add even more calm and elegance and add to the abstractness, while not losing balance. The tint is fine for me, maybe a little lighter overall. All-in-all it's gorgeous and shows consideration and a professional touch. Excellent work!
