Developer for old Delta 400


Local time
8:46 PM
May 28, 2011
I have some old Delta 400 I'm shooting through lately, and TMax developer doesn't seem to be a good developer for it. Does anyone have any suggestions for a developer that will give me decent shadow detail and finer grain in my expired Delta 400? Below are some examples of results I'm getting with standard times in TMax developer. I am not used to seeing this much grain in Delta 400, and shadows are more blocked up than they should be. Would appreciate any suggestions!


Delta 400 looks nice in Tmax Developer but you have to be careful not to agitate too vigorously or it becomes very grainy, like your examples. The lack of shadow detail is simply underexposure.
I had great results with HP5+ and HC-110 or its equivalents (Ilfotec HC, LC-29) but with old Delta 400 not so much, highlights get easily blocked with lower dilutions and there is little room for error, higher dilutions were a bit too high in grain for my taste. But I'm talking about real "old" but not expired Delta 400, when it was first released and before its revision so things may have changed. For your expired rolls I'd try undilute Microphen to recover the shaddows as much as possible and keep the grain at bay at the same time. I don't mind fog, as long as it doesn't chew on the shaddow-detail which it usually doesn't.
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Thanks for your advice and comments guys. I had really nice results with Delta 400 in TMax several years ago, but not so much with this old expired Delta 400 in the current TMax B&H sells.