Fast 50mm M9 options without breaking the bank?


Local time
12:14 PM
Jan 1, 2007
Would be very interested in your opinions about which are the best options for a 50mm on the m9 that wide open will give good enough results for wedding shots.

I have a M9 coming which i will use besides a M9M and am looking for a good fast option. I have a 50mm summicron v3. and 35mm summicron v4.

Which 50mm would be a good compliment to shoot faster than f2 (and be less money than the summicron). So this would be an option to 'only' use between F1.4 and f2 and should be sharp and contrasty enough. (I have the vc 40mm 1.4 but feel i cannot trust the focussing shift and sometimes gives the funky bokeh)

-Canon 50mm 1.4 ltm ?
- Voigtlander 50mm f1.5?
Perfectly usable wide open.

Only things I don't like are focusing ring (some like it), stock hood and straight aperture blades.
I sold Viogt 50 1.5 latest version. It was giving unacceptable purple fringing at f1.5 on faces. It is fine lens for sharp BW and 1.5-2 apertures and color pictures, but not at f1.5.

You already have two best possible lenses for M9. If I could only afford at least one of them now...
For use only between f/1.4 and f/2.0? Cheaper than a v3 summicron. Sharp and contrasty wide open?
Definitely not the 50 year old Canon for high contrast, you'll need modern coatings.
Which leaves us with the Voigtlander 1.5 and the Zeiss 1.5.
Using only between 1.5 and 2.0 focus shift is a non issue, get the lens calibrated for wide open. I'd get the Voigtlander as it has 1/2 stop clicks like Leica rather than the 1/3 clicks on the Zeiss. It's a pain to use both, but then again you're not changing the aperture.
Are you really going to change lenses if it gets 1 stop brighter?
I was fairly happy with the Nokton 50/1.5 ASPH (LTM) on the M9.

BTW: Never had any focus shift problems with the Nokton 40/1.4 MC.

That said, I only rarely use any lens at f/1.4 on a consistent basis. A couple of years on and shooting with the M-D now, I've sold both of those and use a 1972 Summilux 35mm v2 and a current series Summicron-M 50mm.

The Nokton is wonderful, way better than it has any business being. Of course if you can live with F2, the 50mm Planar is even better.
The Leica 50mm Summilux v1 can be had quite cheap and is an excellent performer wide open. Excellent for marriages and such.

Leica M5, Summilux 50mm f/1.4 v1, 400-2TMY.


Why do you want to buy another 50mm lens if you already own one of the very best 50mm lenses available to mankind? [slightly hyped up!]

If it is based on curiosity, then maybe [for fun] trying out a Zeiss Jena 5cm/1.5 Sonnar or its clone a Jupiter 3 could be suitable options.

If the Summicron does not give you the satisfaction level that you look for in a 50mm lens (and if you sell the Summicron first), I would consider a Summilux 50/1.4.

If you need the cash, then sell off your Summicron and get a Hexanon 50/2.4 ltm or a CV Nocton 50/1.5 ltm or M.

If you are targeting a 50mm lens mainly for B&W photography, there exist many awesome options to you. The cheapest "awesome" option is maybe the Canon 50/1.4 ltm, but the Nikon 50/1.4 is also very much admired and used by many RFF members.

If you .... [I don't know the exact reasons] ....

Enjoy what you have and get more "stuff" depending on buying desires!
Since you have a good 50/2, why only go 2/3 of a stop faster ?

Get the CV 50/1.1, one of the best technical 50s out there and you can use it for the times when size doesn't matter and you need faster than f2.
I have a CV 50/1.1, and yes, it is a true bargain of a lens for what such a lens can provide in overall performance.
The Nokton is wonderful, way better than it has any business being. Of course if you can live with F2, the 50mm Planar is even better.

Agree. VC 50/1.5 - pretty crazy how good it is wide open.

With the M9 it's nice to have that extra 3/4 stop, or more, which makes the VC 50/1.1 a great option.
Since you have a good 50/2, why only go 2/3 of a stop faster ?

Get the CV 50/1.1, one of the best technical 50s out there and you can use it for the times when size doesn't matter and you need faster than f2.

Yes on the Nokton f1.1/50mm!
Roland makes a good point about passing on f1.4 lenses.
The extra speed is worth the extra weight for a not so extra price (second hand sub $700 is common).
Some people nit pick the bokeh balls of this lens....Bokeh balls? :eek:
My thought is that Cosina should have made a reflex version of the f1.1/50mm Nokton lens for Nikon F and Canon Eos mounts.
It may be late now with the seemingly inevitable demise of reflex.
Would still like one for film use on eos.

I own the Canon f1.2/50mm.
The Canon f1.2/50mm is a really nice lens as well. One I like for it's split personality.
Softer and dreamy wide open and f1.4, By f2 it is Sharp and quite contrasty giving a more modern look.
For your desired use, I would pass on Canon lens(s) as the focus action requires the photographer to be very deliberate.
It's also not easy to find a clean copy of the Canon f1.2/50mm.
It would not be my first choice for candid moments. For posed portraits ...yes definitely.
I was using a v4 Cron when I first got my M9.

I recently picked up a used Zeiss Sonnar 50 1.5 and love it. In many ways dare I say, I prefer it to the Cron.
Yes it has its shortcomings and may not be perfect, but something about the rendering really sings to me. I can't say I've noticed many issues on the whole focus shift either.

The Cron has moved to my film M now.
Thanks very much for all your comments guys.

I don't have any problems with my 50 summicron. It is just that i think i would need some wider apertures at some instances cause of low light.

If i would have trade the summicron for the 50 summilux v1 and it would work asweel at f2 and f2.8 as my summicron that would be an interesting option. Erik, do you think the summilux v1 will be comparable to the summicron at the same f-stops?

On the other hand the VC 50mm f1.1. probably is a good option too. I forgot about that one.

Come to think of it the VC35 F1.2 might also be an option. Might give a little bit more depth of field wide open too.
The Summilux 50mm f/1.4 v1 is better at f/2 than the Summicron 50mm f/2 v2 at full aperture.

The Nokton f/1.1 is fine but it cuts off a large part of the viewfinder image.

Leica M5, Summilux 50mm f/1.4 v1, 400-2TMY @ f/2.


Thanks Erik. Wow that looks really good.

About the f1.4 shot. The 'glow' from the left lady with the darker jacket. Is that typical? How is the sharpness towards the corners. To bad my summarit doesn't look that good at f1.5. (great at 2.8 though)
For portraits? Easy - Zeiss 50 Sonnar 1.5 optimized for f1.5. Gorgeous lens. Gorgeous bokeh. Much better for portraits than the 50 lux aspherical - I have both - and the Zeiss is very reasonable on the used market.