Finally Born as a Photographer, with Leica.



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Welcome aboard.

I personally like the Summarit for the reasons you mention.

And if you do not have an M3, you should get one.

I should add, that with a chosen name like "Leica_Magus", I feel quite comfortable making these suggestions to you.

Just watch out for "Nikon Kiu".
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Welcome to the forum. Glad to see you are getting the rangefinder bug, specifically Leica. I do think you should at least consider the odd Nikon lens in LTM as they are quite highly regarded. I believe them to be a different beast than their SLR brethren. Cheers. :) :)
The 10.5cm F2.5 is the same as the SLR version up to ~1973. The 13.5cm F3.5 never changed. The 8.5cm F2 was unique to the RF. The 5cm F1.4 and F2 were also unique to the RF. The wide-angle lenses were reborn in the Nikonos, but not the SLR.

Let's get Leica_magus finished with Leitz lenses first.

Uncoated Elmar 9cm/4. ~$50.
Welcome Manus, and please ignore the suggestion that we bash Nikons or any other camera here. (I'm sure that was meant as a joke.) We are photographers and gear-heads. We embrace all camera brands and technology, including digital, but as individuals we make our personal choices, while remaining respectful of the choices made by others. Pull up a chair and stay a while!
Hey.. welcome aboard :)

I can already see a huge difference in terms of the response your thread gets here vs over at the Leica Forum on Photo Net :D Please stay a while and contribute to a generally positive community of RangeFinder Fanatics and Camera Fans :D

Leica_Magus said:
Max and Dave, you posted while I was working through my previous reply - thanks to you also.

The experience was unusual, if not bizzare, but I gave them a piece of my mind. I am not one to start or perpetuate quarrels, I find that childish (as opposed to... youthful! ;) ), but I refuse to be attacked, especially when all I was basically doing - as here - was introducing myself and describing my Leica initiation. Ah well, boys (and tomboys) will be boys (and tomboys)...


But this isn't junior high, it's the real world where people have careers and reputations that can be damaged by libelous statements and false identifications or "outings" made on internet forums and distributed in private e-mails. Then it stops being just "Boys being Boys" and crosses the line, and the injured parties file criminal complaints and civil lawsuits, from which the first amendment does not grant immmunity or protection, either for the individuals or the owners and moderators of the site. What I like about this forum is that it doesn't seem like the moderator even has to delete trash talk, it just doesn't get posted.
This is a very, very good place. We have our snags now and again, but most often this place is a safe haven for rangefinder peoples of all creeds (Leica, Nikon, Canon, Zorki, Fed, etc). I'm sure you'll meet many interesting people and buy many interesting cameras in your time here. :D
FrankS said:
Welcome Manus, and please ignore the suggestion that we bash Nikons or any other camera here.
My thoughts exactly.

Welcome, Magus. I saw the "warm" welcome you got at PNet :rolleyes: You'll find actual personas gratas here.

Oh, and also Welcome to The Dahk Zide (Leica ownership) :D
Welcome to RFF, Magus! And welcome to Leica devotion :D I have long appreciated high quality, with the thought that then the limits of the equipment are unlikely to limit my results... giving me plenty of room for personal improvement. I have an M2, purchased used 40 years ago along with a new 35 Summicron. This past year I honored it (heh heh) with a new 28 Summicron. Getting there... I sure hope you enjoy your Leica gear as much, and also enjoy the ambiance of RFF. :)
Welcome to this RFF (really friendly folk) forum.
I too am fairly a new member ( few posts, always working) and have found everyone helpful, good sense of humor, knowledgeable with good advice when needed.

I would like to see some of the Elmarit shots. I have never used one, and a comparison would be nice. I picked up the T-E with a Leica CL; it is quite good.

That Asph Summicron is some serious money! Several times the Elmarit.You might also look at the older 90/2 Summicrons. Same DOF, nice portrait lens. About 20% of the cost.