Fuji OOC Film 'recipes'


Local time
7:11 PM
Mar 3, 2013
For those that shoot JPEG on their Fuji's this site has a bunch of film 'recipes' for a variety of different looks.


Going to try out this one but with grain turned off as a walk around camera.


Only tricky part is I don't think you can save customized versions of Auto WB in the custom user settings so it takes more work to switch between them. Going to shoot JPEG only but with the front button set to RAW. That way if I have a shot I think I will want a RAW file for I just press that button and take the shot and the camera will take a JPEG+RAW for that shot.

Just to add onto this... if you haven't tried Fuji X Raw Studio yet (and your camera supports it) you should really try it out. I just tried it out and am annoyed at myself for not trying it before.

It lets you adjust all the image parameters and see the changes real time on your computer for RAF files on your computer. Very handy to learn how the settings effect the JPEG outcomes and also lets you create your own profiles to apply to RAW files later. I built profiles for a bunch of the recipes up top. Hit convert and it uses the camera to convert it to a JPEG with the setting you chose. More flexible than using Film Simulation Bracketing as you still have the RAF file.

This video shows how it works...


These are interesting but I wish someone could do a convincing Kodachrome.

If you look at some of the Kodachrome simulations here and browse the images linked to in the Saul Leiter thread of actual Kodachrome:


There isn't a whole lot of similarity even given the huge amounts of variables.

Also, with regards to Fuji X Raw Studio, I don't understand why the profiles wouldn't be built into the software (like they do in the Capture 1 Fuji version) rather than requiring you to connect the camera? Surely the processor in your computer would be capable of anything that is built into the camera even if there is secret Fuji mojo going on.
These are interesting but I wish someone could do a convincing Kodachrome.

If you look at some of the Kodachrome simulations here and browse the images linked to in the Saul Leiter thread of actual Kodachrome:


There isn't a whole lot of similarity even given the huge amounts of variables.

Also, with regards to Fuji X Raw Studio, I don't understand why the profiles wouldn't be built into the software (like they do in the Capture 1 Fuji version) rather than requiring you to connect the camera? Surely the processor in your computer would be capable of anything that is built into the camera even if there is secret Fuji mojo going on.

I never shot Kodachrome but I have thousands of my fathers old Kodachrome slides and they don't look like what you linked to either except for a couple of those. The Kodakchrome II 'recipe' has some of the feel of the Kodachrome I have.

Part of this is there just isn't one Kodachrome look. It looks like it varied a lot over the years and also seems like its look varied quite a bit with exposure and lighting. Check any of the Kodachrome groups on flicker and there is a wide variety to the shots there.

For X Raw Studio it is a way of getting you exactly what the camera would do since it actually has the camera perform the processing. On my Macbook Pro (2015) the processing is *much* faster in X Raw Studio than in any of my applications. What is also cool about it is seeing the changes real time on your files. If one wanted to develop their own look this is dramatically easier than developing it in camera. Once you have the settings you like you could then just transfer them into the camera to have what you want.

Just for fun I tried the same boring picture in a few different 'Kodachrome' looks. This was shot on my M240 with a Summitar wide open.

Lightroom with a 'Kodachrome' preset

RPP64 K64 Film Emulation

DXO Filmpack 5 Kodachrome 64

DXO Filmpack 5 Kodachrome 25

DXO Filmpack 5 Kodachrome 200

DXO Filmpack 5 Kodachrome Generic

This is also altered by the DXO shots using the camera as shot WB. LR and RPP64 both were autoWB which is better than the cameras WB but FilmPack doesn't have that as an option.
