Gallery - deletion for lack of interest or response


Local time
6:18 AM
Oct 16, 2012
Posting this primarily so the mods may know where members are going.

Over the past several months, I've posted several photos to the gallery that have gotten pretty high viewership but consistently zero response. It leads me to conclude that my style of photos are not wanted or appreciated here. Or maybe members just decided they don't like me and don't want to offer support. That's fair.

So, I've decided not to post where no one seems to be interested in seeing them.

Last week I posted an early attempt at portraiture -- a head and shoulders shot of my then girlfriend. It had over 150 views but no response. So I deleted it.

Today I have three photos recently posted. One art nude with 75+ views and a couple of head shots with 30 to 40+ views respectively. All, again, with zero response. No likes, dislikes or comments.

But I did notice that four selfies on the first page of the Gallery each got likes. Viewership on the front page seems to be roughly 10 to 20 views per photo.

No hard feelings, I've got other places to post which have more enthusiastic responses and replies.

So, I'll probably be deleting the images soon.

Just for illustration, here's my attempt at artistic nude that had the 75+ views and zero responses.

_OSR5068 1 by Brusby, on Flickr

I have encountered a few very nice people here and I wish to thank them for their friendship and support. I won't embarrass anyone by naming them, but you know who you are. I'll probably still stick around and may even try to post again in the future in case things change.

I wanted to support this place by posting here since it seems to have been struggling a bit lately.

Just for now I don't want my photos where they aren't wanted.
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I think it's more the move to new software and required work to integrate the gallery with the forum software. A lot of work is going on. A number of members that have not been here in years are coming back- the new xenforo software is much more responsive,

I think we are still in the Re-Boot phase...
Yes, it could take a while before everyone becomes more familiar with the workings of the new sites. There are still many folks here who cannot even access the Gallery. Once that issue gets resolved your response numbers should rebound. But then since responder's identities are now displayed, it could be some people don't want everyone to know they liked your images.

I don’t know much about and have not visited many member’s galleries.

I appreciated the discussion in your thread “Printing B&W — Preserving Details of the Negative”, your comments and those of x-ray in particular.
Guilty I am too.
Since decades I'm a frequent reader in different topics of several fora. Regarding images I view them less often than many years ago. But I was never a big responder. I enjoyed it, I gave my "like" (on platforms where this is possible) and that was it.
I enjoy the artistic part of an image but don't feel the fit to give any art related feedback (composition, shadows, colors, etc.). Ask me something technical and I will engage the debate.

Having said that you should still count in the appreciation of an image thread (or a single image) expressed by the number views. If someone browses through a photographic thread or through a gallery section: This is already some sort of interest and appreciation of the display.

I don't measure the success of a photo thread or the gallery by the number of feedback.
Shrug. I've been here, off and on, since 2004. I post what I like and I don't get too worried about comments. If I want "likes" I can post to my Mastodon account or Cameraderie. Here is just more for other aspects of photography for me. I do like sharing but I also know my taste in landscape photography is not everyone's and I don't get too worried about it.
I finally figured out that you have to Click on a Photo to follow a member in the Gallery. Not Obvious, first I searched for "Brusby".

Something is wrong with the gallery- many comments on the Photos, but not many "Likes". Probably an update and transition issue. Flickr is much easier to navigate. The Gallery here was originally to Database pictures by Lens and Camera used. I gave up using it LONG ago when forum transition resulted in broken links.

FWIW- I'd much rather look at the OPs pictures than the ones in my gallery!
If you post nude, no matter how bad photo is, it will get most views on the page. But pictures like those have not too much to comment.

Also, OP sounds like he is making huge thing by posting his pictures. This is wrong attitude, IMO.
If you post nude, no matter how bad photo is, it will get most views on the page. But pictures like those have not too much to comment.

Also, OP sounds like he is making huge thing by posting his pictures. This is wrong attitude, IMO.
I usually like getting good constructive criticism. Helps me improve. But, always 'have to consider the source. Have you noticed Ko.Fe., that your posts are overwhelmingly negative? You rarely have anything constructive or actually helpful to add, but are always very quick to criticize. You apparently are unhappy about my choice of material to post, but I don't see from you photos of any real merit. Have I missed something? If so, please point it out, I'd love to see.

Thanks for letting me know you think I have the "wrong attitude". I'll consider that in light of the above.
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Brusby, don’t delete or walk away—unless it makes you happy or relieved to do so. You make good images. Isn’t this its own reward?

The “Likes” widget came late to RFF. It’s not going to be an overnight success. I for one have been hitting the Like button a lot; not many here do so. And yet my doing it reinforces my feelings of having done a small good thing for this or that colleague. So consider giving Likes as a greater goodness than receiving them, perhaps.

Over the past 12 years I see I’ve posted thousands of images. I did it because I wanted them to have some chance of entering another photographer’s consciousness to, in Dorothea Lange’s phrase, help them to see—as making these same images had helped teach me to see.

Beyond that it’s out of my hands. One can offer one’s work in a spirit of gift-giving; one cannot control whether it is received in the same spirit. In a forum like this one, though, much of what one gets (meaning critical and constructive benefits, intellectual and esthetic) bears proportionate relation to what one gives.

Hope this is useful.
It's my personal opinion that there would be much more engagement if this site emphasized photos on the home page, rather than a simple text list of recent replies to existing threads. This has been the standard site design here since I've been around (16 years) and perhaps it works for a gear-centric site...but...a lot has changed in the internet/photo world during that time...

This is much better demonstrated than visit this page to get an idea of what I'm talking about:

Front Page test

On the main section of the page, are recent threads. This one being first.

On the right sidebar are recent replies to other threads.

A much better example that illustrates this much better, completely filled with images, is here:

Fujix-Forum Home

Since there aren't many new threads here that feature embedded images, this doesn't give you the full effect of a magazine-type format, but hopefully it still illustrates things.

You'll notice that this thread you're now reading, with the embedded nude image, is at the top of he page. And you'll see "like, quote, and reply" buttons directly on the home page, so readers can interact directly, as opposed to being required to click and open a new page first.

Maybe a redesigned home page where members could embed their gallery images in posts, and have them featured on the home page, would result in improved engagement.

Such a design grabs the viewer much more than a bunch of topics in text....just my 2 cents. :)

All that said, @brusby, this is a small site in terms of active members, and it's also been through several months of poor performance, and is just recently building back an audience. I'd suggest sticking around, you post good stuff. :)
It's my personal opinion that there would be much more engagement if this site emphasized photos on the home page, rather than a simple text list of recent replies to existing threads. This has been the standard site design here since I've been around (16 years) and perhaps it works for a gear-centric site...but...a lot has changed in the internet/photo world during that time...

This is much better demonstrated than visit this page to get an idea of what I'm talking about:

Seems like the home page of the Cameraderie Forum is also similar to what you're describing.
Yes, they copied the basic concept from Fuji forum. Although it's not a scrolling list, and one can't interact directly from the home page.

There is also more detail in the sidebar on the Fuji site.

I think it's a good idea that their default theme is dark, I much prefer that for photo sites. :)
Brusby, I don't think you should leave, but if you must it is your choice. I think that the format of the forum doesn't direct you to the gallery when a new image is posted so we just don't see it unless we go look for it. Maybe the format could be modified IDK. It would help us all. I just went up and looked at your gallery and wow! You have some good stuff. And I left a comment too. I don't think it is because you are not liked, and I don't think it is because of your work either.
The gallery is very awkward to use. I’m figuring it out but still don’t know how to post comments and often don’t comment for fear of offending or discouraging someone. If the image isn’t very strong. On the other hand I like to leave positive feedback where praise is due.

I judged quite a few professional competitions and several amateur competitions. I know some people take critical comments well and others call you and make ugly remarks when they don’t get praise. All of us post images / enter competitions because we feel we’re putting our best work forward hoping for positive recognition.

I wouldn’t take it personal. I deleted my gallery several years ago for other reasons and hadn’t been active here for some time due to the personality of the forum changing. I’m still not terribly active and have started participating on other forums. For me there’s too much emphasis on what gear you own and not enough on producing excellent images.

I’ve noticed on other forums a decreasing level of activity. I’m not sure what’s happening but forums that drew a lot of participation now has significantly less. I don’t know.

Anyway looking at your gallery you have some very nice work and others need work. This is true of all of us no matter how long we’ve been doing photos.

Your picture posted in this thread, very nice form of the model and beautiful tones. The light on the edge of her torso is lovely.

My criticism, the light doorway and the open area behind her legs are very distracting. Take your hand and cover the doorway and see how much the image improves. The bright areas overpower your subject.

Suggestion, if you can try to recreate that image with dark background eliminating those bright areas. Your models form will come forward in the image.

Keep up the good work and don’t get discouraged.
The gallery is very awkward to use. I’m figuring it out but still don’t know how to post comments and often don’t comment for fear of offending or discouraging someone. If the image isn’t very strong. On the other hand I like to leave positive feedback where praise is due.

I judged quite a few professional competitions and several amateur competitions. I know some people take critical comments well and others call you and make ugly remarks when they don’t get praise. All of us post images / enter competitions because we feel we’re putting our best work forward hoping for positive recognition.

I wouldn’t take it personal. I deleted my gallery several years ago for other reasons and hadn’t been active here for some time due to the personality of the forum changing. I’m still not terribly active and have started participating on other forums. For me there’s too much emphasis on what gear you own and not enough on producing excellent images.

I’ve noticed on other forums a decreasing level of activity. I’m not sure what’s happening but forums that drew a lot of participation now has significantly less. I don’t know.

Anyway looking at your gallery you have some very nice work and others need work. This is true of all of us no matter how long we’ve been doing photos.

Your picture posted in this thread, very nice form of the model and beautiful tones. The light on the edge of her torso is lovely.

My criticism, the light doorway and the open area behind her legs are very distracting. Take your hand and cover the doorway and see how much the image improves. The bright areas overpower your subject.

Suggestion, if you can try to recreate that image with dark background eliminating those bright areas. Your models form will come forward in the image.

Keep up the good work and don’t get discouraged.
Yeah, a lot of the old heads have left the forum in one way or another. People getting into photography today post all their stuff on social media sites like they've discovered something new and don't care to have it critiqued. I've been around here for a bit over 14 years and though I at first tried posting in the Gallery I found it somewhat difficult to size my photos to match the parameters of the old software. So, I never really cared to browse through it to see what others were doing. It was easier to see their images in the threads, and for me to post my images in threads, thus I kind of gave up on perusing the Gallery. I think that's the way it is/was for others too. Maybe this new version of the Forum will attract more folks to using the Gallery, especially once they figure out they have to disable their AdBlocker extension in order to see it.

PF, I run smack into the size limitation about 90% of the time I go to post something in threads since I've been back. It would be nice if the limits appropriate to a 6 mp era were raised so that 24 mp images don't have to be squished - or like a blog I share my images at (even though it's politically oriented ;) ) - have the software squash it on the fly to save it & display it without making us have to do it first.

Just a passing fancy.