Gallery Picks from the week ending March 20

robert blu

quiet photographer
Local time
5:05 PM
Nov 17, 2005
Gallery Picks is an opportunity for you to post a heads up to what you have seen during the past seven days at RFF that you like.
There's no membership requirement, no criteria (except past seven days), no voting, no limit to the number of photos mentioned, and everybody mentioned is a winner.

Anybody can start the thread on a Monday.

How to do it (in case you are not familiar with the procedure).

First go to Gallery Portal - Gallery select all photos (check if ordered by date)
Than go with the mouse over the photo you want to select and click with the right key of the mouse: a drop down menu appears, and click (left key) on the "copy image link" .

Now go back to the thread and in the answer window go over the top bar and click the small rectangular icon with a landscape in it (it s named insert image) which opens a small window: on the top of this select the chain simbol (on the right) which opens a box for the URL address in which you can paste the address of the image by clicking with the right key of the mouse. Please be carefu not to select ther nsert media box and be aware that it is not possible to paste more than three photo in a post.
Suggestion to make it simpler: I open on the screen of my computer two tabs or two windows : one with the tread and the other with the gallery. In this way I am able to move quicker from the gallery to the thread and back. I hope this helps :)

There are other ways to past photo in the thread.
You can simply drag the photo from the gallery to yopur desktop and than drag from the desktop to the thread, as suggested I think by Keith, thanks.
Or as mentioned by Richerd G from the show detail of the enlarged image below the name and Avatar is a link 'Copy Image URL'. This copies the link to the clipboard and you can paste it directly into the thread.
I noticed today that time ago the title ot this thread was "Gallery Picks ..." and not "Gallery Pics..." as I recently wrote, my mistake! Sorry, english is not my mother language! Be patient please :)

For this week I start with a picture by Rhl-oregon because in times with many important discussions about the relationship between photography and AI generated Images and the consequences for the photographers I think it is nice to start with a photo with a real camera in it!

I hope it is a real photo!:rolleyes:



Photo: 2004354

I really like the quietness of the picture. I almost can hear the noises coming from the old bike.
Brambling: great series, love this one: simple and basic, I like the leaves entering the frame from above. Ahh, the good old days....


Keith: lovely image. Great composition with interesting geometry and excellent use of the light. Now the question is: which lens does she use ?

Robert Blu


PS: the "Mount Olympus" shot is not staged or P=shopped. It balanced well on my knee.
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