Good news from Oleg

Oh no, not Slovakia! I was in contact with a repair guy in Slovakia in 2016, his name is Gejza Dunay (Cupog on ebay). He could not receive anything from outside the EU for repair because of customs restrictions. In order to release from customs anything arriving from outside the EU for repair he would have to pay a deposit of 20 000 - that's right; twenty thousand Euro! From what I hear about this country I suspect this is part of a corrupt system.
I‘m happy for Oleg and don‘t think that Slovakia is really a part of a corrupt system. Customs can be crazy in every country (at least there is the Euro in Slovakia).
These are very good news: Slovakia is not a corrupt state, or at least no more than any other one in the EU...

I went to Bratislava (a pleasant city, not far from Vienna) and I've spent very fine days there.

All the best to Oleg and his restart,

Enzo (E.L.)
Oleg overhauled a Contax II for me a number of years ago, did a great job. Glad to see that he is back. The film camera geeks of the world need as many skilled techs as we can get. The expertise of these folks is sadly withering away.
FSU needs at least two suitcase loads of spare parts and bodies per year for repairs.
He should be able to proceed with non FSU junk at least, but he needs to change his sales ethics.
I have zero trust in him after he send me two non working FED-2. They were not serviced at all. Uneven exposures, due to old grease.
Still shooting a Kiev 4a I picked up from him many years ago. It doesn't get a whole lot of use, mostly around October, but it works whenever I do use it. Glad to hear he is still around.
Thanks Murray.

Still strolling down the Humboldt wishing my Jupiter 12 was a bit sharper and my scanner glass a bit cleaner. :)


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Oleg overhauled a Contax II for me a number of years ago, did a great job. Glad to see that he is back. The film camera geeks of the world need as many skilled techs as we can get. The expertise of these folks is sadly withering away.

May I second that because of the many cameras he has done for me? We do need guys like Oleg, I was very worried he would be sucked into the current shenanigans because it's usually the PBI who suffer the most.

Regards, David
I have the best opinion of Oleg's work. Several cameras repaired including, more than a decade ago, a Kiev-10 and an Iskra. All stil working flawlessly.
Oops; sorry, it's British Army jargon like"Doolally" or "Chitty/Chit" and I'll interpret them as "crazy" and a note authorising something respectively. Both from the old Indian army and taken to Europe during the Great War. The first a corruption of a British Army Transit Camp's location and the second is probably Hindi and a straight forward translation. A lot of these words worked their way into everyday English, like Cockney and so on have.

Regards, David
The one that cracks me up is "khazi" -- also Cockney I gather. I thought there was a line from Kipling about "What will the Kazi say?" or something like that. Can't find it though.