


Glad to see this forum started. I have a Mamiya 6 with the 75 and the 50 mm lenses. It's a great camera, although it did take a few pictures of my lens cap before I got the hang of the rangefinder. Took it to Spain this June as my only camera and it was a nice, portable travel camera. Only rarely did I miss my 35 telephoto and zoom equipment.
Actually, I have nothing to contribute at this time. As a Mamiya 6 (w/50, 75, 150 lenses and the trimmings) user, however, I try to keep in contact with other M6ers in case advise or consultation is needed. The M6 contingent is not all that large, and since the camera has been discontinued it won't be growing, and you never know what might come up. I have learned a lot from other groups, and perhaps will from this one (also contribute, of course).

Allen Zak
just wanted to say hi also!

photography has been a hobby for years but lately i have strayed. maybe this forum and site is what i need to jump kick myself.

i use a couple of mamiya 6's, with 75 & 150 lenses.
i have a darkroom set up in the basement.

nice to meet you folks.

any other mamiya users out there?

love to hear from you.
i go to the mamiya site but the format there is more q & a than discussion.
they mostly suggest that everyone ship their camera in for a check up, as most of their answers.

I have a M7II. I compared the results with my Canon 10D for a very detailed landscape shot. No comparison! The M7 blew it away. Apparently even with all those pixels, a distant subject with a lot of detail images much better with the M7. Any comments??