Hasselblad PME90 prism question


Local time
3:21 PM
Mar 28, 2021
I've just purchase a PME90 prism in beautiful condition. However, I'm stumped by the simple problem of battery insertion. The instructions show a door which swings downward, with a bit of a tab at the top. I can't get it to budge; searching the internet indicates others have had this issue as well, but no clear instructions were offered. RFF members always have a wealth of info, so I'm hoping someone here can give me some pointers before I dig out the hammer and chisel. Thanks!
It slides, put a finger nail on the steel pin and have at it. It has a catch that is a little hard to slide over. Getting the battery in is not easy either, I use something thin to push it up an in while sliding the door close with a finger.
Have at it……
Thanks, Bill, I appreciate your response. I've already seen that illustration; I did give the door a little more persuasion, and it opened. Unfortunately, the electronics are semi-fried, so the prism will be going back to Japan. Vendors do seem to have some strange ideas about what "mint" means...