Help needed with Tessar 50/3.5 for Exakta VX.

leica M2 fan

Local time
11:29 AM
Jul 28, 2005
When I focus on a pole outside my window even at infinity the split image is not together, not focusing. If I look at another pole farther away which I use to calibrate distance on my RF's it's even more off ! Any thoughts? Any solutions?
It looks in focus on fresnel screen but the split images don't line up. I was wondering if there is such a thing as viewfinder calibration like on RF's ? I unscrewed the lens to apply light coat of lithium grease since it was very tight focusing and maybe that has something to do with the alignment being off.
OK, here are some thoughts on this:

-- Has the lens been serviced? It's possible that it was incorrectly reassembled. That is easily fixed but requires disassembly of the lens.

-- Is the lens collimated? At the least, infinity focus should be checked with the lens set to infinity, with the shutter open and a piece of ground glass on the film plane. You can also you some frosted tape. Use a loupe or another lens to check focus.

-- With some German cameras, you adjust infinity focus in the viewfinder by altering the angle of the mirror. But I just checked, and this doesn't appear to be the case with Exaktas.

-- Check to see that the viewfinder is fully seated.

But if that were my camera, I would start with the viewfinder, then check infinity focus at the film plane.
Great information.

Great information.

I will follow up on this , I was looking forward to this lens. I know what it can do. Thanks so much.
Success finally !

Success finally !

I kept working with this lens until I was able to "seat" the lens at entry and when I checked it out it now focuses to infinity and also close up. Thanks very much for all the input, several lessons learned here. BTW, tested a roll of 12 exposure Superia and the color and sharpness I got is unbelievable. Thanks again. :) :D