How Should I remove Exif and Metadata?

Local time
6:24 PM
Apr 14, 2020
How are you Guys?
I have a query, If anybody can help me, I wanted to remove Metadata from images in bulk.
Is it possible to do so?
If yes please tell me the procedure, I want to share the folder with blank data to my co worker, and there are 100 of images that I dont want to remove exifs from them one by one, it is taking too long.

Any help in this regard?
Thanks in advance
I followed this procedure and it is same for every OS,

Right click on the image and select the properties .
Found “details tab” on top and clicked on it.
Clicked “Remove the Following properties from the file" link at the bottom.
Checked mark all the information that I wanted to be removed from the photo.
Still: I am unable to do this procedure for every picture and it takes too much time.

I also used online tools, but they were also processing 5 pictures at a time, and the big issue is first to upload them and then download again.