Industar 22 pictures

Beautiful. Where were these taken? Is that second picture a sediment digger / scrapper?

Thank you! :)

The first two pictures were taken at the edge of an open pit for brown coal mining. It is part of the "Rheinisches Braunkohlerevier" (rhine brown coal area, (sorry, there is only a german article on wikipedia) ).
It is located in the west of germany and the biggest brown coal mining area in europe. They are digging up to 400 m deep, which is about 290 m below sea level.)

The secound picture is a bucket-wheel excavator ("Schaufelradbagger" in german). They are used for digging the brown coal and also the surface cover above the coal.

They dig up to 240 000 m^3 per day, have a weight of up to 14200 tons and a height of about 90 m.

Here is a picture of the whole digger:

The third picture is a rebuild of a tower which is was used vor surveying and mapping in the 19th century.
It is neraby a outdoor museum showing old houses and buildings from the 18th and 19th century.
Industar 22 pictures

I like the Jupiter 8 thread, so here is one for the lowly I-22.
Mine is Zorki-Zorki #177050, I-22 #5230631
Pic at f3.5, 1/100, Fuji 200
